Keberadaan perusahaan swasta dan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) bukan sekadar mengejar keuntungan. Dalam kenyataannya, perusahaan harus mampu menyelaraskan keuntungan, hubungan sosial masyarakat, serta keberlanjutan lingkungan.
Adapun program corporate social responsibility (CSR) dan Program Kerja Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) menjadi jalan untuk mencapai proses bisnis yang seimbang itu.
Melihat pentingnya peranan CSR dan PKBL dalam suatu badan usaha, Warta Ekonomi menggelar Indonesia CSR PKBL Award 2020. Penghargaan tersebut diberikan perusahaan swasta dan BUMN yang telah berhasil melaksanakan program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dengan sangat baik.
Baca Juga: Warta Ekonomi Apresiasi Perusahaan Newcomer Berkinerja Baik, Ini Daftarnya
"Kami dari Warta Ekonomi memilih tema Prosperity, Humanity, and Sustainability. Ketiga ini merupakan harapan yang terus-menerus ada di perusahaan-perusahaan," ucap Presiden Komisaris dan Founder Warta Ekonomi, Fadel Muhammad dalam Indonesia CSR PKBL Award 2020 yang diselenggarakan secara virtual, Rabu (23/9/2020).
Dari kajian yang dilakukan oleh Warta Ekonomi, lanjut Fadel, terlihat ada peningkatan manfaat yang cukup baik dari pelaku usaha, baik swasta (melalui CSR) dan BUMN (melalui PKBL). Ia pun mengajak pelaku usaha untuk terus menjaga mandat Sustainable Development Goals atau tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan.
"Semoga ini bermanfaat dan terus menimbulkan motivasi agar CSR dan PKBL pada masa yang akan datang dapat meningkat dibandingkan dengan masa-masa yang lalu," tandasnya.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Sosial Juliari P Batubara menyampaikan bahwa pandemi Covid-19 makin menyadarkan bahwa masih banyak masalah sosial yang mesti dibenahi, mulai dari sisi kesejahteraan, pendidikan, kesehatan, pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, hingga persoalan lingkungan, dan lain sebagainya.
Ia menyebut, pembangunan kesejahteraan sosial harus tetap dilanjutkan tanpa melanggar protokol kesehatan dan batasan yang ada. Dikatakan, Kementerian Sosial dan jajaran pemerintah tak bisa bergerak sendiri. Perlu adanya dukungan lembaga, baik korporasi atau pengusaha yang peduli dengan melakukan gerakan bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkan.
"Saya mengingatkan bahwa program CSR dan PKBL yang ada, sejatinya dapat disinergikan dengan program pemeritah, khususnya program pemberdayaan sosial dan pengentasan kemiskinan," ungkapnya.
Mensos menambahkan, pemerintah khususnya Kementerian Sosial, dengan senang hati dan dengan tangan terbuka, antusias untuk melakukan diskusi bersama, serta merumuskan sinergi dan kolaborasi CSR untuk membantu pembangunan bidang sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan hidup.
"Patut diamini bahwa kerja sama sinergis antara pemerintah, dunia usaha, dan masyarakat merupakan kunci sukses pembangunan di Indonesia, khususnya di bidang kesejahteraan sosial," pungkasnya.
Untuk diketahui, dalam menentukan pemenang bagi perusahaan swasta dan perusahaan BUMN untuk Indonesia CSR PKBL Award 2020, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menggunakan metode desk research deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menganalisis berbagai laporan yang dipublikasi oleh perusahaan.
Bagi CSR perusahaan swasta, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menggunakan tiga indikator utama, yaitu Corporate Financial Performance (CFP), Social Performance, dan Environmental Performance yang masing-masing memiliki beberapa sub indikator penilaian.
Sementara bagi PKBL perusahaan BUMN, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menilai dua indikator utama, yaitu performa Program Kemitraan dan performa Bina Lingkungan yang dilaksanakan.
Berdasarkan kajian dan penilaian yang telah dilakukan, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menetapkan 81 perusahaan swasta dengan performa CSR terbaik dan 27 perusahaan BUMN dengan performa PKBL terbaik sebagai pemenang Indonesia CSR PKBL Award 2020. Berikut daftar perusahaan pemenangnya:
No | Perusahaan | Sektor | Subsektor | Title |
1 |
PT Smart Tbk |
Agriculture |
Plantation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Agriculture, Subsector Plantation |
2 | PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk | Agriculture | Plantation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Agriculture, Subsector Plantation |
3 | PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk | Agriculture | Plantation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Agriculture, Subsector Plantation |
4 | PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk | Agriculture | Plantation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Agriculture, Subsector Plantation |
5 | PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk | Agriculture | Plantation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Agriculture, Subsector Plantation |
6 | PT Citra Tubindo Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Metal and Allied Products | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Metal and Allied Products |
7 | PT Gunung Raja Paksi Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Metal and Allied Products | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Metal and Allied Products |
8 | PT Pelat Timah Nusantara (Latinusa) Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Metal and Allied Products | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Metal and Allied Products |
9 | PT Impack Pratama Industri Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Plastics & Packaging | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Plastics and Packaging |
10 | PT Yanaprima Hastapersada Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Plastics & Packaging | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Plastics and Packaging |
11 | PT Champion Pacific Indonesia Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Plastics & Packaging | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Plastics and Packaging |
12 | PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Chemicals | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Chemicals |
13 | PT Emdeki Utama Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Chemicals | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Chemicals |
14 | PT Barito Pacific Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Chemicals | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Chemicals |
15 | PT Elnusa Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Production |
16 | PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Production |
17 | PT Astrindo Nusantara Infrastruktur Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Basic Industry and Chemicals, Subsector Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Production |
18 | PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Metal and Mineral Mining |
19 | PT Vale Indonesia Tbk | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Metal and Mineral Mining |
20 | PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Metal and Mineral Mining |
21 | PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Metal and Mineral Mining |
22 | PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Metal and Mineral Mining |
23 | PT Adaro Energy Tbk | Mining | Coal Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Coal Mining |
24 | PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk | Mining | Coal Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Coal Mining |
25 | PT Petrosea Tbk | Mining | Coal Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Coal Mining |
26 | PT Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk | Mining | Coal Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Coal Mining |
27 | PT Alfa Energi Investama Tbk | Mining | Coal Mining | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining, Subsector Coal Mining |
28 | PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Food & Beverages | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Food and Beverages |
29 | PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Food & Beverages | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Food and Beverages |
30 | PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Food & Beverages | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Food and Beverages |
31 | PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Food & Beverages | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Food and Beverages |
32 | PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Food & Beverages | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Food and Beverages |
33 | PT Kalbe Farma Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Pharmaceuticals | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Pharmaceuticals |
34 | PT Phapros Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Pharmaceuticals | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Pharmaceuticals |
35 | PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Pharmaceuticals | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Pharmaceuticals |
36 | PT Merck Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Pharmaceuticals | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Pharmaceuticals |
37 | PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Pharmaceuticals | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Pharmaceuticals |
38 | PT Bio Farma (Persero) | Pharmaceuticals | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Pharmaceuticals with Outstanding Program in Sugar Cane Farmer Development | |
39 | PT HM Sampoerna Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Tobacco Manufacturers | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Tobacco Manufacturers |
40 | PT Gudang Garam Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Tobacco Manufacturers | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Tobacco Manufacturers |
41 | PT Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Tobacco Manufacturers | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Tobacco Manufacturers |
42 | PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Cosmetics & Household | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Cosmetics and Household |
43 | PT Kino Indonesia Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Cosmetics & Household | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Cosmetics and Household |
44 | PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk | Consumer Goods and Industry | Cosmetics & Household | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Consumer Goods and Industry, Subsector Cosmetics and Household |
45 | PT Bank Central Asia Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 4 | TOP 4 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 4 |
46 | PT Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 4 | TOP 4 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 4 |
47 | PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 4 | TOP 4 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 4 |
48 | PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 4 | TOP 4 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 4 |
49 | PT BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 3 |
50 | PT BPD Jawa Timur Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 3 |
51 | PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 3 |
52 | PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 3 |
53 | PT Bank Permata Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 3 |
54 | PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 2 |
55 | PT Bank Amar Indonesia Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 2 |
56 | PT Bank Ganesha Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 2 |
57 | PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 2 |
58 | PT Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Bank BUKU 2 |
59 | PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk | Finance | Multifinance | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Multifinance |
60 | PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk | Finance | Multifinance | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Multifinance |
61 | PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk | Finance | Multifinance | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Multifinance |
62 | PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk | Finance | Insurance | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Insurance |
63 | PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk | Finance | Insurance | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Insurance |
64 | PT Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk | Finance | Insurance | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Finance, Subsector Insurance |
65 | PT XL Axiata Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Telecommunication | Best CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations, Subsector Telecommunication |
66 | PT PP Presisi Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Non-building construction | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations, Subsector Non-building construction |
67 | PT Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Non-building construction | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations, Subsector Non-building construction |
68 | PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Non-building construction | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations, Subsector Non-building construction |
69 | PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Energy | Best CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations, Subsector Energy |
70 | PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures,Utilities,Transportations, Subsector Transportation |
71 | PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures,Utilities,Transportations, Subsector Transportation |
72 | PT Transcoal Pacific Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures,Utilities,Transportations, Subsector Transportation |
73 | PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures,Utilities,Transportations, Subsector Transportation |
74 | PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Infrastructures,Utilities,Transportations, Subsector Transportation |
75 | PT Astra Otoparts Tbk | Miscellaneous Industry | Automotive and Components | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Miscellaneous Industry, Subsector Automotive and Components |
76 | PT Astra International Tbk | Miscellaneous Industry | Automotive and Components | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Miscellaneous Industry, Subsector Automotive and Components |
77 | PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk | Miscellaneous Industry | Automotive and Components | TOP 3 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Miscellaneous Industry, Subsector Automotive and Components |
78 | PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk | Property, Real estate, and Buiding Construction | Property and Real Estate | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Property, Real Estate, and Building Construction, Subsector Property and Real Estate |
79 | PT PP Properti Tbk | Property, Real estate, and Buiding Construction | Property and Real Estate | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Property, Real Estate, and Building Construction, Subsector Property and Real Estate |
80 | PT Modernland Realty Tbk | Property, Real estate, and Buiding Construction | Property and Real Estate | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Property, Real Estate, and Building Construction, Subsector Property and Real Estate |
81 | PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk | Property, Real estate, and Buiding Construction | Property and Real Estate | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Property, Real Estate, and Building Construction, Subsector Property and Real Estate |
82 | PT Pakuwon Jati Tbk | Property, Real estate, and Buiding Construction | Property and Real Estate | TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Property, Real Estate, and Building Construction, Subsector Property and Real Estate |
83 | PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Bank | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Bank with Outstanding Program in Fishery and Marine Cultivation | |
84 | PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Bank | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Bank with Outstanding Program in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development | |
85 | PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk | Bank | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Bank with Outstanding Program in Housing Development Partnership for Community | |
86 | PT PP (Persero) Tbk | Building Construction | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Building Construction with Outstanding Program in Agriculture Development Initiative | |
87 | PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk | Building Construction | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Building Construction with Outstanding Program in Plantation Farmers Empowerment | |
88 | PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk | Building Construction | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Building Construction with Outstanding Program in Quality Education and Training | |
89 | PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk | Building Construction | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Building Construction with Outstanding Program in Community Services Development | |
90 | PT Hutama Karya (Persero) | Building Construction | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Building Construction with Outstanding Program in Creative Industry Development Iniative | |
91 | PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Cement | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Cement with Outstanding Program in Biodiversity Preservation Iniatiative | |
92 | PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) | electricity, gas, steam/hot water, and cold air | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Electricity, Gas, Steam/Hot Water with Outstanding Program in Local Tourism Development Iniatitive | |
93 | PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) | Industri Pengolahan | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Processing Industry with Outstanding Program in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development | |
94 | PT Pindad (Persero) | Industri Pengolahan | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Processing Industry with Outstanding Program in Catfish Cultivation Partnership | |
95 | PT Aneka Tambang Tbk | Metal and Mineral Mining | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Metal and Mineral Mining with Outstanding Program in Community Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation | |
96 | PT Timah Tbk | Metal and Mineral Mining | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Metal and Mineral Mining with Outstanding Program in Community Services Development | |
97 | PT Pertamina (Persero) | Penambangan dan Penggalian | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Mining and Quarrying with Outstanding Program in Quality Education and Training | |
98 | PT Indofarma Tbk | Pharmaceuticals | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Pharmaceuticals with Outstanding Program in Small Pharmacy Development Iniatiative | |
99 | PT Kimia Farma Tbk | Pharmaceuticals | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Pharmaceuticals with Outstanding Program in Community Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation | |
100 | PT Pegadaian (Persero) | Sektor aktivitas keuangan dan asuransi | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Financial and Insurance Activities with Outstanding Program in Community Services Development | |
101 | PT Sucofindo (Persero) | Sektor aktivitas profesional, ilmiah, dan teknis | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities with Outstanding Program in Entrepreneurship Training Iniative | |
102 | PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk | Sektor pengangkutan dan pergudangan | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Transportation and Warehouse with Outstanding Program in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development | |
103 | PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) | Sektor pengangkutan dan pergudangan | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Transportation and Warehouse with Outstanding Program in Community Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation | |
104 | PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) | Sektor pengangkutan dan pergudangan | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Transportation and Warehouse with Outstanding Program in Local Tourism Development Iniatitive | |
105 | PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) | Sektor pengangkutan dan pergudangan | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Transportation and Warehouse with Outstanding Program in Quality Education and Training | |
106 | PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) | Sektor pengangkutan dan pergudangan | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Transportation and Warehouse with Outstanding Program in Fostered Partners Development Training | |
107 | PT Berdikari (Persero) | Sektor pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries with Outstanding Program in Livestock Farmer Development | |
108 | PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero) | Sektor real estat | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Real Estate with Outstanding Program in Local Tourism Development Iniatitive | |
109 | PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Telecommunication | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Telecommunication with Outstanding Program in Fostered Partners Digital Training | |
110 | PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk | Toll Road, Airport, Harbor and Allied Products | Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, Category Toll Road, Airport, Harbor, and Allied Products with Outstanding Program in Plantation Farmers Empowerment | |
111 | Hyundai Engginering Co Ltd | Special Mention | Best CSR by Contributing to Combat and Alleviate Health Problems in Indonesia to Strengthen the Foreign Affairs Between South Korea and Indonesia |
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Editor: Rosmayanti
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