Warta Ekonomi memberikan apresiasi kepada pelaku industri properti terbaik di Indonesia pada tahun 2019. Perusahaan properti terbaik adalah perusahaan yang berhasil membukukan kinerja terbaik pada tahun 2018-2019 dan diakui oleh masyarakat atas produk dan jasa layanan properti terbaik.
"Kami kemas apresiasi ini dalam Indonesia Property Award 2019. Acara ini adalah lanjutan dari aktivitas riset yang kami lakukan," kata Direktur Stratego, Mochamad Arief.
Baca Juga: Inilah Daftar Pemenang Indonesia Most Admired Companies Award 2019
Penilaian pemenang dilakukan berdasarkan lima indikator penilaian dengan melalui proses riset yaitu analisis kinerja keuangan perusahaan properti yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), analisis produk baru dari perusahaan analisis strategi, dan implementasi komunikasi pemasaran (marketing communication). Metode riset melalui desk research, analisis media massa mainstream, dan analisis laporan tahunan/keuangan perusahaan.
Lima indikator penilaian tersebut antara lain
1. Product Innovation
2. Marketing Strategy
3. Asset Growth
4. Revenue Growth
5. Profit Growth
Berikut daftar penerima penghargaan Property Award 2019:
Category: Apartment
Title: Well-Integrated Residential and Apartment Developer
Title: World Class Apartment Developer of the Year
Title: Most Valuable High-rise Development
Title: Premium Condo Developer of the Year
Title: Regeneration Project of the Year
Title: Excellent Modern Art Apartment Developer
Title: Millennial Apartment Developer of the Year
Category: Commercial
Title: Best Company in Retail Development
Title: Excellent in Commercial Property Development
Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati Tbk
Title: Excellent in Luxury Hotel Develoment
Category: Industrial Estate
Title: Best Company in Managing Industrial Estate
Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate
Title: Industrial Park Innovation of the Year
Category: Mixed Use
Title: Urban Luxury Mixed Use Developer
Title: Best Company in Managing Property
Title: Premium Tower Developer of the Year
Title: Best Property in Providing Worth Property Investment
Category: Office
Title: Millennial Office Developer of the Year
Title: Premium Tower Developer of the Year
Title: Best Company in Cost Management
Title: Best Company in Managing Office and Logistics Warehouse
Category: Residential
Title: Heritage Project Developer of the Year
Title: Residential Architecture of the Year
Title: Residential Innovation of the Year
Title: Commercial Property Developer of the Year
Title: Excellent in Marketing Strategy
Title: Sub-urban Residential Developer of the Year
Title: Property Planner of the Year
Title: Best Company in Business Park Innovation
Title: Best Company in Green Architecture
Title: Excellent in Supporting Government Residential Project
Title: Excellent Sub-urban Residential Developer
Title: Excellent in Customer Relationship Management
Title: Excellent Satellite Area Developer
Gowa Makassar Tourism Development
Title: Excellent Tourism Area Developer
Category: Building Material and Home Improvement
Title: Excellent in Building Material Product Development
Title: Best Retail in Providing Home Tools & Supplies
Category: Interior and Furnishing
PT Cahaya Sakti Investindo Sukses Tbk
Title: Best Developer for Custom Made Interior Furniture
Title: Best Decorator for Interior Wood Product
Title: Best Supplier for Commercial Meubelair Product
Title: Excellent Contractor for Office Design and Furniture
Category: Property Management
Title: Excellent in SOEs Property Management
Title: Best Property Manager in Implementing Occupational, Health and Safety (OHS)
Category: Property Agent
Title: Best Company for Property Valuation and Marketing
Title: Excellent in Marketing Prospective Residential
Title: Excellent in Marketing Commercial Property
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Editor: Cahyo Prayogo
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