Perusahaan pendatang baru (newcomer) pasti dibayangi berbagai tantangan dalam menjalankan proses bisnisnya, termasuk menghadapi ketatnya persaingan popularitas dengan para kompetitor. Perjalanan itu kian sulit mengingat adanya imbas Covid-19 yang sangat memengaruhi iklim usaha.
Warta Ekonomi memberikan penghargaan Indonesia Best Newcomer Company Award 2020 kepada perusahaan newcomer yang tetap berhasil mengimplementasikan sisi Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) dengan business process yang baik di tengah situasi saat ini.
"Kami dari Warta Ekonomi gembira sekali bisa melihat tumbuhnya perusahaan-perusahaan baru, melihat munculnya the newcomer. Ini merupakan benih-benih yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh bangsa kita ke depan," ucap Presiden Komisaris dan Founder Warta Ekonomi, Fadel Muhammad dalam Indonesia Best Newcomer Company Award 2020; The Most Popular Company yang diselenggarakan secara virtual, Rabu (23/9/2020).
Baca Juga: Daftar Perusahaan Peraih Indonesia Best Bank Award 2020
Ia mengingatkan, perusahaan newcomer ibarat bayi yang dalam perjalannya akan menghadapi fase puber. Dalam fase itu, lanjut Fadel, nantinya akan banyak perusahaan yang bangkrut, tumbang, atau bisa bertahan dan berhasil. Menurutnya, keberhasilan perusahaan di masa depan bergantung pada bagaimana mereka bisa melewati masa puber menuju ke pasar yang stabil.
"Masa yang stabil inilah merupakan tingkat keberhasilan dari sebuah perusahaan. Ini merupakan penghargaan awal, kami mengharapkan saudara-saudara terus berhasil hingga Warta Ekonomi akan memberikan lagi penghargaan pada tahapan-tahapan berikutnya. Selamat dan sukses selalu. Semoga terus bisa menjadi perusahaan yang berhasil, membawa manfaat bagi bangsa dan negara," tandasnya.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Hariyadi Sukamdani menuturkan bahwa pelaku usaha kini tengah berada dalam situasi sulit yang belum pernah dihadapi sebelumnya.
"Kami berharap pemberian award ini memotivasi seluruh perusahaan di Indonesia, khususnya newcomer, untuk tidak pesimis, untuk tetap bersemangat karena kita melihat ada rekan-rekan kita yang bisa melewati, bisa menghadapi situasi yang tidak menentu ini dengan baik," singkatnya.
Senada, Sekretaris Jenderal Badan Pengurus Pusat (BPP) Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (Hipmi) Bagas Adhadirgha berharap penghargaan ini memberikan semangat baru bagi para newcomer agar ke depannya mampu menjadi perusahaan yang lebih optimal dan berdaya saing tinggi.
Hpmi pun, kata Bagas, mengajak para newcomer dalam dunia bisnis agar tetap tekun, serta mempertimbangan strategi yang tepat untuk mempertahankan roda bisnisnya.
"Kami pun juga selalu membuka ruang bagi setiap rekan-rekan pengusaha untuk melakukan diskusi bersama terkait kendala, masukan bagi pemerintah, serta solusi yang bisa diterapkan di lini usaha masing-masing," tandasnya.
Untuk diketahui, dalam menentukan pemenang bagi perusahaan untuk Indonesia Best Newcomer Company Award 2020, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menggunakan media monitoring dengan menganalisis pemberitaan positif terkait perusahaan pendatang baru yang berlandaskan metodologi AIDA dan business process oleh Churchill dan Lewis (1983), sebagaimana tertulis dalam Harvard Business Review.
Perusahaan pendatang baru yang diteliti berasal dari sektor rintisan (startup) dengan umur kurang dari lima tahun dan sektor konvensional dengan umur kurang dari 10 tahun. Berdasarkan kajian dan penilaian, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menetapkan 11 perusahaan rintisan dan 21 perusahaan konvensional sebagai pemenang Indonesia Best Newcomer Company Award 2020: The Most Popular Company. Berikut daftar pemenangnya:
Perusahaan Rintisan
No. | Perusahaan | Subsektor | Title |
1 | PT Tri Adi Bersama (Anteraja) | Startup Logistik | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in E-Logistics Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Expansion and the Establishment of "Satria" as the Remarkable Courier and Brand |
2 | PT Mitra Digital Sukses (Youtap) | Startup UMKM | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in MSMEs Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on Integrated Digital Services and Sales Report for Trading Partners Business Continuity |
3 | The Fit Company (Fitco) | Startup Kesehatan | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Health Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on Pioneering the Establishment and Integration of Wellness Digital Platform "Fitco" |
4 | PT Sumber Kreatif Indonesia (Gredu) | Startup Pendidikan | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Education Technology Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on Integrated, Digitalized, and Systemized School Management |
5 | PT Warung Pintar Sekali (Warung Pintar) | Startup UMKM | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in MSMEs Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on Integrated, Digitalized, and Efficient Supply Chain Management for the Fostered Stalls |
6 | PT Habibi Digital Nusantara (Habibi Garden) | Startup Pertanian | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Agriculture Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) to Accelerate Local Farmer Production |
7 |
PT Eximku Teknologi Indonesia (Andalin) |
Startup Logistik |
Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in E-Logistics Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Establishment of Cross-Border Digital Service for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) |
8 |
Sayurbox (Sayurbox) |
Startup Pertanian |
Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Agriculture Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Establishment and Utilization of Digital Platform and Its Specialization to Supply Organic Vegetables and Fruits |
9 |
PT Media Dokter Investama (Halodoc) |
Startup Kesehatan | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Health Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on Easy-to-Access Digital Health Services |
10 |
PT Visionet Internasional (OVO) |
Financial Technology, Payment | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Financial Technology, Payment Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on Widely Used Digital Financial Services |
11 | PT Moduit Digital Indonesia (Moduit) | Startup Reksa Dana | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Mutual Funds Startup for Its Outstanding Business Process on Integrated, Digitalized, and Systemized B2C and B2B2C Management |
Perusahaan Konvensial
No. | Perusahaan | Subsektor | Title |
1 | PT Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Jasa Mitra Abadi Tbk | Insurance | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Insurance Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Establishing and Expanding Sharia Financial Products |
2 |
PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk |
Cement |
Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Cement Sector for Its Outstanding Construction Business Process on the Supply Chain Management |
3 | PT Borneo Olah Sarana Sukses Tbk | Coal Mining | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Coal Mining Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Coal Product with Remarkable Quality |
4 | PT Cashlez Worldwide Indonesia Tbk | COMPUTER AND SERVICES | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Computer and Services Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Establishment of the Integrated Digital Payment for Merchant |
5 | PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk | COMPUTER AND SERVICES | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Computer and Services Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Multimedia Content and Digital Media Management |
6 | PT Super Energy Tbk | Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Development of Clean Gas and Flare Processing |
7 | PT Royal Prima Tbk | HEALTHCARE | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Healthcare Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Hospital Expansion and Other Health Centers |
8 | PT Boston Furniture Industries Tbk | Houseware | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Houseware Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Expansion of Furniture Products |
9 | PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk | Metal and Mineral Mining | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Metal and Mineral Mining Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Mineral Mining, Expansion, and Exploration |
10 | PT LCK Global Kedaton Tbk | Non-building construction | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Non-building Construction Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Telecommunication Construction and Engineering |
11 | PT Surya Fajar Capital Tbk | OTHERS | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Others Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Investing and Business Management Consulting |
12 | PT Yelooo Integra Datanet Tbk | OTHERS | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Others Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Establishment of Technology Integrated Travel Service Provider "Passpod" |
13 | PT Mahkota Group Tbk | Plantation | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Plantation Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Palm Oil Downstream Management |
14 | PT NFC Indonesia Tbk | RETAIL TRADE | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Retail Trade Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Content and Digital Entertainment Service |
15 | PT Batulicin Nusantara Maritim Tbk | Transportation | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Transportation Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Transhipment Service Management |
16 | PT Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk | Transportation | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Transportation Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Expansion of New Fleet for Service Continuity |
17 | PT Armada Berjaya Trans Tbk | Transportation | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Transportation Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the General Goods and Logistic Management |
18 | PT SAP Exspress Tbk | Transportation | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Transportation Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Logistic and Courier Services |
19 | PT Berkah Prima Perkasa Tbk | WHOLESALE (DURABLE & NON-DURABLE GOODS) | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Wholesale Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Establishment of "Blueprint" as a Remarkable Ink Brand and Product |
20 | PT Hensel Davest Indonesia Tbk | WHOLESALE (DURABLE & NON-DURABLE GOODS) | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Wholesale Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on the Establishment of Financial Technology "DavestPay" as Bill Payment |
21 | PT Optima Prima Metal Sinergi Tbk | WHOLESALE (DURABLE & NON-DURABLE GOODS) | Indonesia Best Newcomer Company 2020 in Wholesale Sector for Its Outstanding Business Process on Pioneering Iron Scraps as Raw Materials for Production |
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Editor: Rosmayanti
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