Menjadi yang terbaik merupakan keinginan setiap perusahaan, tak terkecuali bagi perusahaan pembiayaan (multifinance). Namun, untuk sampai menjadi sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan terbaik tidaklah mudah, diperlukan berbagai upaya, komitmen, kerja keras, dan sinergi yang baik di internal perusahaan untuk menghadapi berbagai keadaan perekonomian. Maka, perlu adanya apresiasi bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang mampu menyandang gelar tersebut.
Kondisi perekonomian global yang fluktuatif berdampak pada hampir semua sektor usaha di Indonesia, tak terkecuali industri pembiayaan. Hal itu terlihat dari pertumbuhan industri pembiayaan yang cenderung menurun pada tahun 2015. Padahal pada tahun sebelumnya industri ini mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan. Meskipun pertumbuhan bisnis industri pembiayaan tak sebaik tahun-tahun sebelumnya, tidak semua perusahaan pembiayaan mengalami penurunan baik dalam jumlah unit usaha maupun kinerjanya. Oleh sebab itu, perusahaan-perusahaan pembiayaan yang mempunyai kinerja baik sepanjang tahun 2015 layak mendapatkan apresiasi.
Apresiasi kepada perusahaan-perusahaan pembiayaan menjadi salah satu langkah untuk mendorong pertumbuhan industri pembiayaan lebih masif. Karena itu, Warta Ekonomi menyelenggarakan ?Indonesia multifinance consumer choice award 2016"?di Jakarta, Kamis (1/12/2016). Ini merupakan penghargaan yang diberikan kepada perusahaan pembiayaan terbaik di Indonesia yang menunjukkan kinerja bisnis yang baik selama periode 2014-2015 dan menunjukkan pelayanan terbaik kepada masyarakat.?
Dalam rangka pemberian penghargaan ini, Warta Ekonomi telah melakukan serangkaian tahapan kegiatan, meliputi pengumpulan data, desk research, dan survei kepada konsumen, untuk menentukan perusahaan terbaik. Berdasarkan kajian dan penilaian yang telah dilakukan, Warta Ekonomi menetapkan peraih penghargaan Indonesia multifinance consumer choice award 2016?sebagai berikut:
Kategori: > Rp5 Triliun
No. | ?Nama Perusahaan | ? Penghargaan |
1. | ?PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk. | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
2. | ?PT Astra Sedaya Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
3. | ?PT BCA Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
4. | ?PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk. | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
5. | ?PT Central Java Power | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
6. | ?PT CIMB Niaga Auto Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
7. | ?PT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk. | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
8. | ?PT Dipo Star Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
9. | ?PT Federal International Finance | ??The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
10. | ?PT Mandiri Tunas Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
11. | ?PT Mitsui Leasing Capital Indonesia | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
12. | ?PT ORIX Indonesia Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
13. | ?PT Oto Multiartha | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
14. | ?PT Summit Oto Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
15. | ?PT Toyota Astra Financial Services | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset More than Rp5 Trillion |
Kategori: Rp1 - 5 Triliun
No. | ?Nama Perusahaan? | ?Penghargaan |
1. | ?PT Astra Auto Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
2. | ?PT Bentara Sinergies Multifinance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
3. | ?PT Century Tokyo Leasing Indonesia | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
4. | ?PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
5. | ?PT Equity Finance Indonesia | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
6. | ?PT Finansia Multi Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
7. | ?PT Indosurya Inti Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
8. | ?PT JA Mitsui Leasing Indonesia | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
9. | ?PT Karya Technik Multifinance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
10. | PT Komatsu Astra Finance? | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
11. | ??PT Mandala Multifinance Tbk. | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
12. | ?PT Maybank Indonesia Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
13. | ?PT Mizuho Balimor Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
14. | ?PT Nissan Financial Services Indonesia | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
15 | ?PT Nusa Surya Cipta Dana | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp1 - 5 Trillion |
Kategori: Rp500 Miliar - 1 Triliun
No. | ?Nama Perusahaan | ?Penghargaan |
1. | ?PT Al-Ijarah Indonesia Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
2. | ?PT Arjuna Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
3. | ?PT Astra Multi Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
4. | ?PT Batavia Prosperindo Finance Tbk. | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
5. | ?PT Capella Multidana | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
6. | ?PT Ciptadana Multifinance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
7. | ?PT Dana Unico Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
8. | ?PT Star Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
9. | ?PT First Indo American Leasing | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
10.? | ?PT Internusa Tribuana Citra Multi Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
11. | ?PT Mega Auto Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
12. | ?PT Otomas Multifinance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
13. | ?PT PPA Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
14. | ?PT Sarana Global Finance Indonesia | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
15. | ?PT Swadharma Bhakti Sedaya Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp500 Billion - 1 Trillion |
Kategori: Rp100 - 500 Miliar
No. | ?Nama ?Perusahaan? | ?Penghargaan |
1. | ?PT AB Sinar Mas Multifinance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
2. | ?PT Asiatic Sejahtera Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
3. | ?PT Danareksa Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
4. | ?PT Danpac Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
5. | ?PT Indojasa Pratama Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
6. | ?PT Malacca Trust Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
7. | ?PT Pacific Multi Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
8. | ?PT Paramitra Multifinance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
9. | ?PT Resona Indonesia Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
10. | ?PT Rindang Sejahtera Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
11. | ?PT Sahabat Finansial Keluarga | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
12. | ?PT Staco Estika Sedaya Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
13. | ?PT Swadesi Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
14. | ?PT Transpacific Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
15. | ?PT Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk. | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Between ?Rp100 Billion - 500 Billion |
No. | ?Nama Perusahaan | ?Penghargaan |
1. | ?PT Adhika Primadhana Multifinance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
2. | ?PT Asia Multidana | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
3. | ?PT Daindo Internasional Finance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
4. | ?PT Danasupra Erapacific Tbk. | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
5. | ?PT Garishindo Buana Finance Indonesia | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
6. | ?PT Globalindo Multi Finance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
7. | ?PT Jaya Fuji Leasing Pratama | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
8. | ?PT Mashill Internasional Finance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
9. | ?PT Maxima Auto Finance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
10.? | ?PT Murni Upaya Raya Nilai Inti Finance | ?The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
11. | ?PT Panen Arta Indonesia Multifinance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
12. | ?PT Pratama Sedaya Finance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
13. | ?PT Tempo Utama Finance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
14. | ?PT Tirta Finance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
15. | ?PT Topas Multi Finance | The Best Financial Performance Multifinance Company 2016 Category Asset Less than ?Rp100 Billion |
Kategori: Consumer Choice?
No. | ?Nama Perusahaan | ?Penghargaan |
1. | ?Astra Credit Companies | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Car Leasing |
2. | ?PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk. | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Motorcycle Leasing |
3. | ?PT AEON Credit Service Indonesia | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Consumer Goods Leasing |
4. | ?PT BCA Finance | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Car Leasing |
5. | ?PT Bussan Auto Finance | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Motorcycle Leasing |
6. | ?PT Federal International Finance | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Motorcycle Leasing |
7. | ?PT Indomobil Finance Indonesia | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Car Leasing |
8. | ?PT Oto Multiartha | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Car Leasing |
9. | ?PT Toyota Astra Financial Services | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Car Leasing |
10. | ?PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk. (WOM Finance) | ?The Winner of Consumer Choice Multifinance Award 2016 - Category Motorcycle Leasing |
Kategori: Special Mention?
No. | ?Nama Perusahaan | ?Penghargaan |
1. | PT Andalan Finance | ?Special Mention as the Company with a Great Return on Equity |
2. | PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial | ?Special Award as a Company Supporting Sustainable Housing Financing |
3. | ?TOP Finance | ?Special Mention as the Company with a Great Solvability |
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Penulis: Siti Ruqoyah
Editor: Vicky Fadil
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