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        Ashraf Sinclair Meninggal Dunia, Duka Selimuti Lini Masa

        Ashraf Sinclair Meninggal Dunia, Duka Selimuti Lini Masa Kredit Foto: Sindonews
        Warta Ekonomi, Bogor -

        Duka menyelimuti dunia hiburan Tanah Air, Selasa (18/2/2020) ketika suami Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL), Ashraf Sinclair dikabarkan meninggal dunia karena serangan jantung.

        Aktor asal Negeri Jiran itu dikonfirmasi meninggal dunia pada pukul 04.51 WIB di RS MMC Kuningan, Jakarta.

        "Telah meninggal dunia, Ashraf Daniel bin Mohamed Sinclair, suami dari Bunga Citra Lestari pada Selasa (18/2/2020), jam 04.51 di RS MMC Kuningan," tulis manajer Ashraf

        Baca Juga: Suami BCL Ashraf Sinclair Meninggal Dunia

        Ucapan belasungkawa pun ramai disampaikan oleh para kerabat, teman, hingga warganet melalui linimasa media sosial; baik di Twitter maupun Instagram.

        Di unggahan terbaru BCL, Agnez Monica meninggalkan komentar berbunyi, "Nge... omg Nge... I'm so sorry to hear that. Tadi dengar kirain bohong. Turut berduka ya Nge."

        Begitu pula ucapan duka dari Laudya Cynthia Bella, Ayu Shita, Sandra Dewi, Ayu Dewi, Melissa Karim, Dominique Diyose, Raline Shah, dan para tokoh publik lain di unggahan yang sama. Foto terakhir yang Ashraf unggah di Instagram pun menuai belasungkawa serupa.

        Sementara itu, berikut ini sejumlah belasungkawa dari para warganet di Twitter:

        Just heard the news that Ashraf Sinclair just passed away. This shocking news is to remind us to embrace every moment with your loved one. Life is too short, life is unpredictable.

        Rest in peace.

        ? FORZA (@forzatives) February 18, 2020

        I grew up watching Ashraf Sinclair on TV. Sad to hear the news of his sudden demise. Truly, death is unexpected. Always appreciate everyone in your life.

        Al Fatihah.

        ? Ikhwan (@JatIkhwan) February 18, 2020

        Ashraf Sinclair was my childhood crush. Started to love him since Gol & Gincu. He passed away due to heart attack, Al-Fatihah. You will be missed! ???? #AshrafSinclair

        ? ???? Mira ???? (@itskaytobeyou) February 18, 2020

        Ashraf Sinclair and Bunga Cinta Lestari is my relationship goals. Too many news of untimely death this year and it?s only February. ????

        A reminder that we never know how much time we still have left in this world. Appreciate everyone and everything we still have today.

        ? C H R I S T Y (@christykbye) February 18, 2020

        I just heard on the radio Ashraf Sinclair passed away this morning. It goes to show that how fragile life is. Do good to your parents, be kind to one another, spread love more.

        ? ??dina ?? (@din4z) February 18, 2020

        Innalillahi wainnaillaihi rajiun. Just heard the news that Ashraf Sinclair just passed away. So young ????

        ? Ika Natassa (@ikanatassa) February 17, 2020

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        Penulis: Tanayastri Dini Isna
        Editor: Tanayastri Dini Isna

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