Selamat! Berikut Pemenang Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2021
Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia membawa sejumlah dampak buruk di berbagai sektor kehidupan. Tak terkecuai di sektor ekonomi dan dunia usaha. Hal ini pada praktiknya juga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pelaksanaan program Tanggung Jawasab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR). Pengaruh muncul lantaran pandemi membuat laju bisnis sejumlah perusahaan cukup terganggu, bahkan tak jarang terancam gulung tikar.
"Kondisi ini membuat sebagian perusahaan malah sengaja mengambil untung dari terjadinya pandemi. Bisnis seperti ini tentunya mengabaikan etika. Selain itu, ada juga sebagian (perusahaan) yang karena bisnisnya terganggu menjadi alasan untuk mengurangi komitmennya terhadap pelaksanaan program CSR," ujar Direktur Jenderal Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan RI, Sigit Reliantoro, saat menjadi Keynote Speaker dalam acara penghargaan Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (ICSRA) 2021: New Normal Sustainability yang dilaksanakan secara virtual, Rabu (14/7).
Baca Juga: BPDPKS Raih Penghargaan Indonesia CSR Award 2021 untuk Program Penguatan Koperasi dan UKM Sawit
Namun demikian, tak hanya mengambil untung dan mengurangi komitmen CSR, cukup banyak juga perusahaan yang justru terdorong untuk tampil sebagai pelopor untuk meredefinisikan kembali program CSR-nya untuk dapat membantu masyarakat dalam menghadapi dampak pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang terjadi.
"Ini adalah respons positif yang sesuai dengan hasil sebuah studi di tahun 2020, di mana perusahaan yang memiliki visi jauh ke depan justru akan memanfaatkan kondisi krisis akibat pandemi ini untuk menciptakan program CSR yang inovatif dan autentik untuk menjalin relasi yang kuat dengan konsumen dan publik," tutur Sigit.
Dengan program yang lebih inovatif, autentik, dan membawa manfaat terhadap masyarakat luas, menurut Sigit, konsumen akan turut bangga dan malah dengan senang hati ikut terlibat dalam program CSR tersebut. Misalnya saja, turut berdonasi ketika merek yang mereka sukai ikut membantu masyarakat, peduli terhadap karyawannya, dan membuat gerakan sosial untuk membantu masyarakat mengatasi krisis ini.
"Ikatan relasi antara perusahaan dan konsumen yang terbentuk saat krisis akan jauh lebih berarti dan bertahan lebih lama dibanding ikatan yang terbentuk saat kondisi normal," ungkap Sigit dalam acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Warta Ekonomi Group tersebut.
Maka dengan kondisi yang demikian, lanjut Sigit, pertanyaan yang relevan saat ini bukan lagi perlu atau tidaknya menjalankan program CSR di tengah pandemi, melainkan bagaimana kemudian perusahaan mampu membuat program CSR yang tidak hanya memberikan keuntungan bagi perusahaan, tetapi juga mampu menjaga keselarasan sosial dan lingkungan bagi perusahaan dan juga konsumen.
"Dapat dibayangkan perusahaan yang mampu bertahan di tengah goncangan pandemi ini akan dapat berkembang makin maksimal pascapandemi karena dilandasi dengan fondasi bisnis yang kokoh dengan ikatan relasi yang jauh lebih kuat dengan dengan konsumen dan publik," tegas Sigit.
Karena itu, Sigit pun menyatakan apresiasinya sekaligus memberikan ucapan selamat kepada para pemenang Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (ICSRA) 2021: New Normal Sustainability karena capaian prestasi ini merupakan bekal sangat berharga bagi perusahaan dalam berkembang lebih jauh dan maksimal kelak saat pandemi benar-benar berakhir. Alih-alih hanya berkutat pada kampanye yang bersifat slogan dan pencitraan semata, perusahaan para pemenang penghargaan ini telah terbukti memiliki aksi nyata di tengah masyarakat yang tengah terhimpit oleh adanya adanya pandemi Covid-19.
"Percayalah, slogan dan pencitraan tidak akan lolos dari pengamatan publik yang kini makin kritis. Aksi nyata di tengah pandemi berupa program-program CSR yang dapat dirasakan betul manfaatnya oleh masyarakatlah yang bakal menjadi branding nyata dan kuat bagi sebuah perusahaan," tegas Sigit.
Daftar Pemenang Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (ICSRA) 2021: New Normal Sustainability. Selamat!
No. | Perusahaan | Sector | Subsector | Tittle 1 |
1 | PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk. | Agriculture | Plantation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Biodiversity and Conservation |
2 | PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk. | Agriculture | Plantation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Forest Conservation |
3 | PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk. | Agriculture | Plantation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Environmental Management for Suistainable Palm Oil and Wood |
4 | PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. | Agriculture | Plantation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Waste and Energy Management |
5 | PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. | Agriculture | Plantation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Peat Conservation |
6 | PT Citra Tubindo Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Metal and Allied Products | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Social and Community Development |
7 | PT Tembaga Mulia Semanan Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Metal and Allied Products | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Waste Management System |
8 | PT Pelat Timah Nusantara Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Metal and Allied Products | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Public Facilities and Infrastructure Development |
9 | PT Impack Pratama IndustrI Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Plastics & Packaging | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Occupational Health and Safety Practice |
10 | PT Indopoly Swakarsa Industry Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Plastics & Packaging | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Labor Absorption |
11 | PT Champion Pacific Indonesia Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Plastics & Packaging | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Consumer Health and Safety |
12 | PT Emdeki Utama Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Chemicals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Social and Community Development |
13 | PT Barito Pacific Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Chemicals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Human Resources Development |
14 | PT Indo Acidatama Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Chemicals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Social and Neighbourhood Development |
15 | PT Polytama Propindo | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Chemicals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Basic Needs Support |
16 | PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Mangrove Conservation |
17 | PT Mitra Investindo Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Economic and Social Empowerment |
18 | PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk. | Basic Industry and Chemicals | Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Energy Resources Development for East Kalimantan Communities |
19 | PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Labour Absorption |
20 | PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Preserving Biodiversity |
21 | PT Kapuas Prima Coal Tbk. | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Basic Needs Support |
22 | PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk. | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Improving Local Community Infrastructure |
23 | PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk. | Mining | Metal and Mineral Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Empowering Local Contractors and Suppliers |
24 | PT Petrosea Tbk. | Mining | Coal Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Community Economic Empowerment |
25 | PT Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk. | Mining | Coal Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Building Infrastructure for Community Development and Empowerment |
26 | PT Alfa Energi Investama Tbk. | Mining | Coal Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Supporting Health Facilities |
27 | PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk. | Mining | Coal Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Community Education Development |
28 | PT Adaro Energy Tbk. | Mining | Coal Mining | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Health and Safety Environment |
29 | PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Food & Beverages | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Empowering Health and Safety Culture |
30 | PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Food & Beverages | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Partnership |
31 | PT Sekar Laut Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Food & Beverages | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Labor Absorption |
32 | PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Food & Beverages | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Community Basic Needs Support |
33 | PT Phapros Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Pharmaceuticals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Partnership for MSMes and Cooperatives Implementation |
34 | PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sidomuncul Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Pharmaceuticals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Tourism, Plantation, and Herbs Village Development |
35 | PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Pharmaceuticals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Health Care Support |
36 | PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Pharmaceuticals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Integrating Healthy Village |
37 | PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Pharmaceuticals | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Community Basic Needs Support |
38 | PT H. M. Sampoerna Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Tobacco Manufacturers | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Empowering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises |
39 | PT Gudang Garam Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Tobacco Manufacturers | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Labour Absorption |
40 | PT Indonesian Tobacco Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Tobacco Manufacturers | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Greening and Fish Cultivation |
41 | PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk.Cosmetics & Household | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Cosmetics & Household | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Reducing Packaging Waste Commitment |
42 | PT Kino Indonesia Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Cosmetics & Household | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Health Care Support |
43 | PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk. | Consumer Goods and Indsustry | Cosmetics & Household | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Public Health Education Development |
44 | PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 4 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Improving Community Welfare |
45 | PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 4 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Banking Financial Literacy and Education |
46 | PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 4 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Community Response to the Pandemic |
47 | PT Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 4 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Supporting Health Facilities |
48 | PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Supporting Humanising Financial Services |
49 | PT Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Labor Absorption |
50 | PT Bank Mega Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Health Sector and Basic Food Assistance to Communities |
51 | PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Religious Communities Empowerment |
52 | PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 3 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Employees Volunteerism in Educational, Health & Environmental and Humanitarian Development |
53 | PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Economic Empowerment |
54 | PT Bank Victoria International Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Financial Literacy and Inclusion |
55 | PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Welfare Support |
56 | PT Bank Ina Perdana Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Educational Scholarship |
57 | PT Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Health Care Support |
58 | PT Bank Oke Indonesia Tbk. | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Banking Financial Literacy and Education on Religious Community |
59 | PT Bank Ganesha Tbk | Finance | Bank BUKU 2 | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Basic Needs Support |
60 | PT Wahana Ottomira Multiartha Tbk. | Finance | Multifinance | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Disaster Relief |
61 | PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk. | Finance | Multifinance | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Health Education for Traditional Market Ecosystem |
62 | PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk. | Finance | Multifinance | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Education Initiatives Development |
63 | PT Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk. | Finance | Insurance | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Health Care Support |
64 | PT Asuransi Dayin Mitra Tbk. | Finance | Insurance | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Education and Financial Literacy to Society |
65 | PT Asuransi Jiwa Sinarmas MSIG Tbk. | Finance | Insurance | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Knowledge and Vigilance Development for Protecting the Environment |
66 | PT XL Axiata Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Telecommuni-cation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Innovative Digital Transformation |
67 | PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Telecommuni-cation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Digital Literacy Empowerment |
68 | Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Non-building construction | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program Local Community Facilities and Infrastrastructure Improvement |
69 | PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Non-building construction | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Mobile Health Clinics Facilities |
70 | PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Non-building construction | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Basic Needs Support |
71 | PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Energy | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Waste Management Commitment |
72 | PT Pelita Samudera Shipping Tbk | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Labor Absorption |
73 | PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Environmental Impacts and Risks Management |
74 | PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Partnership Empowerment |
75 | PT Putra Rajawali Kencana Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Training & Educational Programs for Driver Partners |
76 | PT Transkon Jaya Tbk. | Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations | Transportation | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in New Normal Health Protocol Commitment |
77 | PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk. | PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE, AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Property and Real Estate | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Disaster Relief |
78 | PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. | PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE, AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Property and Real Estate | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Implementation of Green Waste Management |
79 | PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk. | PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE, AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Property and Real Estate | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Health Care Support |
80 | PT Intiland Development Tbk. | PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE, AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Property and Real Estate | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Biodiversity Preservetion in the Vicinity |
81 | PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. | PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE, AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Property and Real Estate | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Basic Needs Support |
82 | PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. | Miscellaneous Industry | Automotive and Components | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Empowering Vocational Education |
83 | PT Astra International Tbk. | Miscellaneous Industry | Automotive and Components | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Comprehensive Community-Based Development |
84 | PT Indo Kordsa Tbk | Miscellaneous Industry | Automotive and Components | Indonesia Best CSR Award with Outstanding Program in Process Safety & Risk Management |
85 | Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit | Plantation | Plantation | Special Achievement for Outstanding Program in Local Community Economic Empowerment for Cooperative and Small-Medium Enterprise Palm Oil |
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Editor: Puri Mei Setyaningrum