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Tetap Moncer di Era Pandemi, Selamat! Berikut Pemenang Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021

Tetap Moncer di Era Pandemi, Selamat! Berikut Pemenang Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Kredit Foto: Sufri Yuliardi
Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta -

Pandemi Covid-19 yang berlangsung hampir dua tahun telah memberikan dampak signifikan ke seluruh sektor ekonomi dan industri, tak terkecuali perbankan. Kendati demikian, di industri perbankan khususnya Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) masih bisa bernapas lega. Pasalnya, kinerja BPD Seluruh Indonesia (BPD SI) nyatanya tetap berkibar walaupun dihantam badai Covid-19.

Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Bank Pembangunan Daerah (Asbanda) Wimran Ismaun mengakui, di masa pandemi seperti ini industri perbankan banyak mengalami penurunan kinerja. Namun, berdasarkan data laporan keuangan BPD SI sampai September 2021, disebutkan BPD di Indonesia masih mengalami pertumbuhan.

Baca Juga: Raup Laba Rp9,87 Triliun, Kinerja BPD Tetap Moncer di Era Pandemi

"Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan di beberapa pos keuangan. Pertama, posisi aset BPD SI per September 2021 mencapai Rp850,87 triliun atau naik 5,62% yoy dibandingkan periode yang sama sebelumnya sebesar Rp805,01 triliun," ujar Wimran dalam acara Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 yang digelar Warta Ekonomi secara virtual di Jakarta, Rabu (24/11/2021).

Lebih jauh, posisi Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) juga mumpuni di mana per September 2021 mencapai Rp669,9 triliun, naik 3,39% (yoy) dibandingkan sebelumnya Rp647 triliun.

Kemudian, kredit yang berhasil disalurkan BPD mencapai Rp507,02 triliun per September 2021, atau naik 6,11% (yoy). Pertumbuhan kredit tersebut jelas lebih baik dibandingkan kredit perbankan secara nasional yang hanya tumbuh 3,12% di periode yang sama.

"Begitu juga dengan laba, laba BPD SI meningkat 7,72% menjadi Rp9,87 triliun," terang Wimran.

Kendati begitu, dia meminta seluruh BPD di Indonesia tidak terlena dengan kinerja tersebut. Menurutnya, di tengah pandemi ini, BPD harus tetap dapat meningkatkan kapabilitas melalui produk dan layanan serta mampu mengonversikan berbagai peluang di segala situasi agar terus berkontribusi dalam perekonomian di seluruh daerah Indonesia.

Untuk itu, dia menyambut baik penghargaan yang diberikan Warta Ekonomi kepada BPD-BPD yang dinilai terbaik di tahun 2021 ini. Wimran berharap, penghargaan ini dapat melecut semangat BPD SI untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kinerjanya di masa-masa sulit ini.

"Apalagi, BPD mempunyai peran sangat strategis, yaitu mempercepat pertumbuhan perekonomian dan pembangunan daerah. Dengan penghargaan ini, BPD diharapkan makin meningkatkan kinerja bisnis, mengembangkan inovasi produk dan layanan, dan mengembangkan sinergi serta integrasi bisnis agar dapat berkontribusi bagi pembangunan daerah masing-masing," jelas Wimran.

Berikut pemenang Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021. Selamat! 

No. Perusahaan Category Tittle 1 Tittle 2
1 PT BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk BPD BUKU 3 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Developing Corporate Business Segmentation to Optimize Banking Services
2 PT BPD DKI Jakarta BPD BUKU 3 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Improving the Synergy of Digital Banking Services through Payment Integration
3 PT BPD Jawa Timur Tbk BPD BUKU 3 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Expanding Digital Payment Services with Regional Program Collaboration
4 PT BPD Jawa Tengah BPD BUKU 3 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Corporate Business Expansion by Developing Digital-Based Credit Services
5 PT BPD Jambi BPD BUKU 2 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Developing the Regional Economy through Improving Banking Services
6 PT BPD Sulawesi Selatan dan Barat BPD BUKU 2 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Innovation in Payment System Services and Information Center
7 PT BPD Sumatera Utara BPD BUKU 2 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Expanding Banking Services Integration
8 PT BPD Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta BPD BUKU 2 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Improving the Regional Economy through Community Empowerment
9 PT BPD Sumatera Selatan dan Bangka Belitung BPD BUKU 2 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Advancing Financial Inclusion Through QRIS Implementation
10 PT Bank Nagari BPD BUKU 2 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Utilizing Digital Technology In Banking Services For Ease of Transaction
11 PT BPD Bali BPD BUKU 2 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Increasing Access to Banking Products and Services Through Financial Inclusion
12 PT BPD Lampung BPD BUKU 2 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Developing Banking Product and Service Innovations
13 PT BPD Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Utara BPD BUKU 2 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Developing Integrated Digital Payment Products and Services
14 PT BPD Sulawesi Tenggara BPD BUKU 2 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Expanding Banking Services Integration
15 PT BPD Riau Kepri BPD BUKU 2 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Improving the Regional Economy through Community Empowerment
16 PT BPD Kalimantan Barat BPD BUKU 2 Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Strengthening the Synergy of Banking Services in the Implementation of Non-Cash Transactions
17 PT BPD Sulawesi Utara Gorontalo BPD BUKU 2 Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Improving Banking Services in Various Sectors to Facilitate Customer Transactions
18 PT BPD Kalimantan Selatan BPD BUKU 2 Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Corporate Business Segmentation Innovation Through Financial Technology and Developing Digital Infrastructure
19 PT BPD Kalimantan Tengah BPD BUKU 2 Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Corporate Business Development Through Expanding the Range of Banking Services
20 PT BPD Nusa Tenggara Timur BPD BUKU 2 Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Improving Community Engagement on the Utilization of Banking Services
21 PT BPD Papua BPD BUKU 2 Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Presenting Collaboration to Encourage The Ease of Banking  For Supporting Non-Cash Transaction
22 PT BPD Sulawesi Tengah BPD BUKU 1 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Expanding a Sustainable Customer Service Network
23 PT BPD Bengkulu BPD BUKU 1 Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Sustainable Programs of Community Development and Entrepreneurship
24 PT BPD Banten BPD BUKU 1 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Increasing Cooperation in Developing Bancassurance Products
25 PT BPD Maluku dan Maluku Utara BPD BUKU 1 Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Synergy of Banking with Local Government through Cash Management System
26 PT Bank Aceh Syariah BPD Syariah Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Developing a Digital-Based MSME Improvement Program
27 PT Bank NTB Syariah BPD Syariah Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021 Inter-Company Collaboration to Improve Banking Digital Acceleration

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Editor: Puri Mei Setyaningrum

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