Di tengah kondisi pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda dunia pada tahun 2020 kemarin, utilisasi teknologi digital bagi masyarakat untuk mencari informasi menjadi sangat masif. Hal tersebut dipercepat dengan kondisi new normal yang diterapkan kepada masyarakat beberapa bulan terakhir. Dari sana, peran public relations (PR) kini sangat krusial terhadap semua informasi yang tersedia. Padahal, dunia humas dilanda banyak tantangan.
"Dengan pandemi Covid, semua berhenti, semua setop. Campaign global, tren heboh yang sudah kita siapkan sudah tidak relevan lagi. Di tahun 2021 ini, dunia humas menghadapi bukan satu tantangan, tapi sepuluh tantangan sekaligus. Sepuluh tantangan kompleksitas dunia praktisi humas," ujar Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat Indonesia (Perhumas), Agung Laksamana, dalam keynote speech yang disampaikannya pada acara penghargaan Indonesia Public Relations Award (IPRA) 2021: Navigating the Better Future, yang diselenggarakan oleh Warta Ekonomi secara virtual, Selasa (26/1/2021).
Baca Juga: Humas Harus Adaptif Jika Tidak Ingin Lenyap
Agung membeberkan, selain dari pandemi Covid, tantangan yang dihadapi PR mencakup disrupsi bisnis, media lansekap yang berubah, adanya fake news dan hoaks, adanya fake influencer dan fake followers, serta keberadaan robot journalism dan artificial intelligence (AI). Selain itu, kondisi yang serba mobile juga menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Ada pula soal informasi yang berlebihan, hingga tingkat perhatian audience yang berkurang.
"Robot sudah bisa membuat berita, di Jepang artificial intelligence (AI) sudah bisa menjadi creative director, membuat iklan, dan video musik. Di China, AI sudah menjadi news anchor. Di era 4.0 ini, lalu lintas informasi begitu deras, target audience kita bingung, mana yang kredibel, publik sendiri tidak bisa membedakan," ungkapnya.
Di sinilah, kata Agung, PR harus bisa memahami. Ia menyebut, setidaknya ada tiga "mantra" yang perlu menjadi fokus dan dilakukan oleh PR di masa sekarang. Salah satunya adalah harus bisa mengadopsi kondisi perubahan yang ada. "Kedua, kita harus beradaptasi dengan strategi-strategi baru untuk melihat platform-platform baru. Ketiga, kita harus mahir, kita harus canggih, kita harus expert di dalam bidang kita. Kita juga harus memahami fundamendal dari PR itu sendiri," pungkasnya.
Sementara itu, dalam kesempatan yang sama, Founder sekaligus Presiden Komisaris Warta Ekonomi, Fadel Muhammad, menyatakan bahwa penyelenggaraan Indonesia Public Relations Award (IPRA) kali ini memiliki suasana dan makna yang berbeda dibanding penyelenggaraan pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Hal ini lantaran kita semua saat ini masih sedang dalam keadaan pandemi yang seperti halnya kita ketahui bersama, utilisasi teknologi kini memiliki peran yang makin penting.
"Dalam sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2020 ini, disebutkan bahwa sebanyak 77 persen dari responden yang merupakan para praktisi di dunia ke-PR-an merasakan betul bahwa peran PR menjadi makin penting di saat pandemi ini," ujar Fadel, dalam sambutannya.
Berkaca pada hasil penelitian tersebut, Fadel mengimbau pada segenap praktisi PR yang hadir dalam acara kali ini untuk dapat turut mengambil peran lebih besar lagi di masyarakat. Termasuk juga terkait program vaksinasi yang telah dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah sejak tanggal 13 Januari 2021 lalu. Dengan perannya yang besar di masyarakat, Fadel berharap komunitas PR dapat ikut membantu pemerintah dalam memerangi pandemi Covid-19 dengan turut menyosialisasikan dan menginformasikannya di tengah-tengah masyarakat.
"Pada gelaran kali ini, Warta Ekonomi mengambil tema Navigating For The Best Future. Ini sangat menarik karena menandakan sebuah ajakan untuk kita bersama-sama dalam satu arahan menuju masa depan yang lebih baik. Terakhir, saya ucapkan selamat kepada para pemenang dalam acara penghargaan ini, sekaligus mengapresiasi setinggi-tingginya kiprah dan kontribusinya selama ini melalui dunia public relation," tegas Fadel.
Dalam menentukan pemenang, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi dalam melakukan penelitiannya terkait penghargaan Indonesia Public Relations Award (IPRA) 2021: Navigating the Better Future dengan menggunakan metode media monitoring melalui analisis konten. Periode sentimen positif yang dinilai dimulai dari Agustus-Desember 2020. Penghargaan ini diberikan kepada 15 sektor industri, antara lain agribisnis, asuransi jiwa, asuransi umum, multifinance, perbankan, dan consumer goods. Sektor lain mencakup ritel, energy, minyak dan gas, properti dan konstruksi, pertambangan, otomotif, transportasi, foundation, serta informasi, teknologi, dan komunikasi.
Berikut Daftar Penerima Penghargaan Indonesia Public Relations Award 2021: Navigating The Better Future. Selamat!
Perusahaan | Kategori | Title Award |
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity Across Nation and Global Scale Strategic Management |
PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Improving Digital Products Supporting Services |
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Developing Marvelous Digital Application for MSMEs Programs |
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Establishing the Groundbreaking of National Housing Loan Products and Programs |
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Improving Indonesian Human Capital Skills |
Citibank N.A Indonesia | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on the Fulfillment of Global Sustainable Initiatives Through Youth Ecopreneurship Program |
PT Bank DBS Indonesia | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Optimizing Customers Experiences Through Systemized Stakeholders Engagement |
PT Bank Amar Indonesia | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Combining Modern and Conventional Work Culture |
PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy with Stellar Integration of Internal Management |
PT Bank UOB Indonesia | Conventional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Establishing Comprehensive Digital Platforms |
Perusahaan | Kategori | Title Award |
PT Bank Aceh Syariah | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Developing Sharia Digital System to Elevate Local Economy |
PT Bank DKI | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Establishing Cooperatives and Allocating Loan Assistance for Local MSMEs |
PT BPD Bali | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Institutionalizing and Acculturating Digital Banking System |
PT BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Coordinated Management System to Stakeholders |
PT BPD Jawa Timur Tbk | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Culturalized Banking and Marketing System |
PT BPD Jawa Tengah | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Loan Allocation Assistance for Local Agricultural Communities |
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Riau Kepri | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Developing Business Process from Conventional to Sharia |
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Lampung | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on the Accomplishment of Raising the Company's Core Capital to BUKU II |
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Tengah | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Developing Financial Products to Improve Regional Leading Sectors |
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sulawesi Tengah | Regional Bank | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Financing Diversification for Local Industries |
PT Asuransi Cigna | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Diversification of Insurance Distribution Programs |
PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Establishing and Developing Modern Digital Insurance Systems |
PT Bhinneka Life Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Establishing Stellar Insurance Marketing Campaign |
PT Axa Financial Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management by Developing, Integrating, and Synergizing Various Insurance Products and Programs Across Nation |
PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on External Partnership and Insurance Products Expansion |
PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Marvelous Adaptability and Resiliency Through Development of Various Products and Programs |
PT Asuransi Simas Jiwa | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Developing Easy-to-Access Insurance Products |
PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Developing Swift and Convenient Insurance Services |
PT BNI Life Insurance | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Marvelous Commitment and Dedication Toward Customer Services and Experiences |
PT Equity Life Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Cooperation of COVID-19 Protection Products |
PT Asuransi Astra | General Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Marvelous Marketing Channels and Brand Campaign |
PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika Tbk | General Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Marketing Campaign to Attract Future Customers and Establishing Friendly System to Elevate Customers Experiences |
PT Asuransi Sinar Mas | General Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Financial Inclusion for Farmers Across Nation |
PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk | General Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Establishing Marvelous Business and Operational System |
PT Asuransi Wahana Tata | General Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Developing Real-Time and Transparent Information Systems |
PT BRI Asuransi Indonesia | General Insurance | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Business Transformation Through Products Expansion Cooperation |
PT Bussan Auto Finance | Multifinance | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Brand Promotion Campaign Management |
PT BCA Finance | Multifinance | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Strengthening Internal Management System |
PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk | Multifinance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Utilising Digitalisation for Products and Programs Campaign |
PT Mandiri Utama Finance | Multifinance | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Service Expansion of Sharia Multifinance Products |
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk | Agribusiness | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Marvelous Internal and External Operational Management |
PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk | Agribusiness | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Products Diversification and Campaign |
PT Perkebunan Nusantara III | Agribusiness | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Good Corporate Governance Management System Application |
PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV | Agribusiness | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Strengthening the Role of the Company's Human Capital |
PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk | Consumer Goods | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Utilising Digital Marketing for Products Expansion |
PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk | Consumer Goods | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Innovative Products Through National and Global Stakeholders Cooperativeness |
PT Nestle Indonesia | Consumer Goods | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Establishing and Developing Industrial Factories |
PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk | Consumer Goods | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Products Standardization and Market Segmentations |
PT PP Properti Tbk | Property and Construction | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Developing and Expanding Integrated Residentials Market Segmentations |
PT PP (Persero) Tbk | Property and Construction | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Marvelous Construction Projects and Organized Marketing Campaigns |
Perusahaan | Kategori | Title Award |
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk | Property and Construction | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on High Quality Construction Management Process and Business Diversification |
PT Adhi Commuter Properti | Property and Construction | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Developing Marvelous Integrated Property Projects |
PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk | Property and Construction | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Futuristic and Innovative Property Products and Global Scale Stakeholders Engagement |
PT Bio Farma (Persero) | Consumer Goods/Pharmaceutical | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Periodically Updating the Government's COVID-19 Inoculation Programs and Vaccine Readiness |
PT Kimia Farma Tbk | Consumer Goods/Pharmaceutical | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Collaboration with National and Global Companies to Develop Domestic Pharmaceutical Business |
PT Phapros Tbk | Consumer Goods/Pharmaceutical | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Maintaining Customers Experiences and Customers Satisfactions |
PT Indofarma Tbk | Consumer Goods/Pharmaceutical | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Distributing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Supplying Syringes for Self-Vaccination Program |
PT Dexa Medica | Consumer Goods/Pharmaceutical | The Best Public Relations in Company Management as One of the Pioneer in Developing Indonesia Modern Medicine with State-of-the-Art Technology Implementation |
PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk | Consumer Goods/Pharmaceutical | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Marvelous Application of Conventional and Sustainable Business Process |
PT Bintang Toedjoe | Consumer Goods/Farmasi | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Educate and Train Red Ginger Farmers |
PT Aneka Tambang Tbk | Mining | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Manufacturing Nickel Batteries to Support Government's Environmental-Friendly Vehicles Program |
PT Bukit Asam Tbk | Mining | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Coal Downstreaming Expansion as the Company Strategic Project |
PT Kaltim Prima Coal | Mining | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Stellar Integration and Application of Sustainable Business Process |
PT Elnusa Tbk | Mining | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Innovative and Transformative Business Operation |
PT Pertamina EP | Oil and Gas | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Improving Oil Reserve Through Viable Exploration to Fulfill Nation's Energy Security Mandate |
PT Medco Power Indonesia | Oil and Gas | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Collaborative Management to Develop Gas-Fired Independent Power Producer (Gas IPP) |
PT Pertamina Lubricants | Oil and Gas | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Programs and Digital Developments to Improve Vocational High School Students' Entrepreneurship Managerial |
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi | Energy | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on the Company's Operational Business Process Activity |
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) | Energy | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Strategic Business Process Transformation |
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk | Energy | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Optimizing Business Operations to Improve the Company's Performance |
PT Astra International Tbk | Automotive | The Best Public Relations in Company Management by Developing, Integrating, and Synergizing the Company's Value Chain |
PT Astra Honda Motor | Automotive | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Marvelous COVID-19 Assistance Program |
PT Toyota Astra Motor | Automotive | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Launching Various New Products to Strengthen Market Share |
PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) | Transportation | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Providing Marvelous Safe and Convenient Services |
Perum Damri | Transportation | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Digital Technology Application for Customer Convenience and Safety |
PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk | Retail | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Operational Business and Brand Expansion |
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Information, Technology, and Communication | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Developing Telecommunication Infrastructure to Achieve Sovereign Connectivity Across Nation |
PT Telekomunikasi Selular | Information, Technology, and Communication | The Best Public Relations in Company Strategy on Utilising Cloud and Big Data Technology in the Company's Business Management |
PT XL Axiata Tbk | Information, Technology, and Communication | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Utilising Real-Time Data Technology to Improve Connectivity Services |
PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (Gojek) | Information, Technology, and Communication | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on the Utilisation of Effective and Efficient Communication Strategy |
Djarum Foundation | Foundation | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Provisioning Medical Devices for COVID-19's Referral Hospitals |
Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) | Foundation | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Marvelous Utilisation of Digitalisation for Voluntary Activities Across Nation |
Tanoto Foundation | Foundation | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Reducing Indonesia's High Prevalence of Stunting Through Global Stakeholders Cooperativeness |
PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper | Basic Industry and Chemical | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Supporting Local Farmers and Local MSMEs Through Marketing and Training Program |
PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk | Basic Industry and Chemical | The Best Public Relations in Company Management on Maintaining the Company's Performance and Contributing Toward Sustainability During Pandemic |
DBS Foundation | Foundation | The Best Public Relations in Company Management as A Pioneer Educator for Nation's Human Capital on Social Enterprises |
PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel) | Information, Technology, and Communication | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Supporting the Development of Digital Technology Infrastructures by Subsidiary's Collaborative Approach |
PT Tani Hub Indonesia | Information, Technology, and Communication | The Best Public Relations in Company Activity on Establishing Businesses Unit to Maintain Supply Chain Distribution Channels |
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Editor: Puri Mei Setyaningrum