Menristek: Inovasi Adalah Masa Depan Indonesia. Selamat Pemenang IDIA 2021!
Warta Ekonomi baru saja menggelar penganugerahan penghargaan Indonesia Digital Innovation Awards (IDIA) 2021 dengan tema Digital Globalization Toward Better and Prosper Society. Penghargaan tersebut dianugerahkan pada 74 perusahaan yang sesuai hasil riset dan penilaian yang dilakukan Tim Warta Ekonomi, terbukti memiliki keunggulan inovasi digital di sektor bisnis masing-masing. Turut hadir sebagai Keynote Speech (KS) dalam acara penghargaan kali ini adalah Menteri Riset dan Teknologi (Menristek)/ Kepala Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Bambang PS Brodjonegoro.
Dalam paparannya, Bambang menyatakan bahwa istilah digital innovation seyogianya tidak hanya sekadar istilah yang dilekatkan pada sebuah penganugerahan penghargaan. Lebih dari itu, Bambang menyebut bahwa makna digital innovation kini lebih dalam lagi, yaitu sebagai masa depan Indonesia. Hal ini berkaitan dengan target pemerintah yang menginginkan agar pada tahun 2045 mendatang Indonesia telah lepas dari jebakan pendapatan kelas menengah ke atas dan beranjak menjadi negara maju dengan pendapatan rata-rata yang tinggi.
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"Untuk menuju ke sana, jelas bukan satu hal yang mudah. Diperlukan perubahan mindset secara mendasar dari kita yang selama ini masih mengandalkan kegiatan ekonomi berbasis natural resources menjadi berbasis innovation. Artinya, inovasi harus menjadi arus utama (mainstream) dalam setiap kegiatan ekonomi Indonesia ke depan," ujar Bambang.
Sementara, menurut Bambang, saat ini Indonesia masih berada di peringkat 85 dari daftar 165 negara yang masih dalam Global Innovation Index 2020 lalu. Peringkat tersebut cukup jauh di bawah beberapa negara tetangga, seperti Thailand (peringkat 44), Malaysia (peringkat 33), dan Singapura yang malah masuk peringkat 10 besar, tepatnya berada di peringkat delapan.
"Setidaknya ada tiga faktor utama yang membuat kita tertinggal. Pertama soal institusi. Masih banyak institusi kita yang belum mampu mendorong dan ramah terhadap terciptanya inovasi di lembaga itu sendiri," keluh Bambang.
Kedua, disebut Bambang, adalah faktor kapital dan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Bagaimana pun, untuk menciptakan sebuah inovasi yang hebat membutuhkan SDM yang andal dan mumpuni di bidangnya masing-masing. Selain itu, daya dukung dari tersedianya lembaga-lembaga riset juga turut membantu mengatasi kelemahan di faktor SDM ini.
"Sementara, yang ketiga adalah jenis bisnis kita yang masih belum sophisticated. Aktivitas-aktivitas bisnis yang ada masih sangat sederhana, yang mengandalkan praktis dasar jual beli atau assembling (perakitan). Berbeda misalnya dengan bisnis handphone yang fitur-fitur barunya tidak akan pernah tercipta tanpa adanya inovasi dan riset yang kuat di belakangnya," papar Bambang.
Berkaca pada kelemahan faktor ketiga tersebut, Bambang mengucapkan selamat kepada para pemenang Indonesia Digital Innovation Awards (IDIA) 2021 karena terbukti lini dan kegiatan bisnisnya telah berhasil menciptakan sebuah inovasi yang layak diandalkan. Dengan begitu, perusahaan para pemenang IDIA 2021 disebut Bambang setidaknya telah satu langkah lebih maju dalam menjemput masa depan lebih baik dibanding para kompetitornya.
"Ini bekal yang tentunya sangat penting dan bermanfaat untuk perusahaan Bapak-Ibu menatap masa depan bisnis di masa mendatang. Saya mengucapkan selamat dan turut senang atas capaian tersebut," tegas Bambang.
Dalam menentukan pemenang penghargaan Indonesia Digital Innovation Awards (IDIA) 2021: Digital Globalization Toward Better and Prosper Society, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menggunakan metode kombinasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif yang digunakan adalah media monitoring dengan mengutilisasi Boolean technique dan menganalisis berbagai isi pemberitaan di media mainstream dan media sosial.
Periode media monitoring yang digunakan dari Agustus 2020-Januari 2021. Pola teks dan isi pemberitaan dari hasil media monitoring dengan Boolean technique nantinya dikuantifikasi berdasarkan indikator penilaian.
Ada empat indikator yang digunakan, yakni keunggulan inovasi layanan dan produk digital yang dimiliki, manfaat inovasi digital bagi internal perusahaan, serta layanan dan produk inovasi digital memberikan dampak positif bagi stakeholders, terutama masyarakat.
Berikut peraih Indonesia Digital Innovation Awards (IDIA) 2021. Selamat!
No | Perusahaan | Category | Title |
1 | PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Digital Banking Features' Accessibility |
2 | PT Bank DBS Indonesia | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Cross-Border Digital Transaction Initiatives |
3 | PT Bank Permata Tbk. | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Responsive Digital Services Systems |
4 | PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk. | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Easy-to-Use and Applicative Digital Financial Solutions |
5 | PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Digital Banking Services Covering Various Market Segmentations |
6 | PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Ultra Micro Digital Risk Management Framework |
7 | PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Digital Productive Financing |
8 | PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Rural Farmers Digital Systems Initiatives |
9 | PT Bank UOB Indonesia | Conventional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Comprehensive Digital Financial Systems for Millennials |
10 | PT BRI Asuransi Indonesia | General Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Digital Channel Services Collaboration |
11 | PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika Tbk. | General Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Integrated Automobile Claim Services |
12 | PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Consultation and Business Automation Systems |
13 | PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Development of Digital Services Platforms |
14 | PT BNI Life Insurance | Life Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Integrated and Sophisticated Digital Application Systems |
15 | PT Prudential Life Assurance | Life Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Comprehensive Customers-Oriented Digital Products and Services |
16 | PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Utilisation of One-Stop Integrated Digital Services |
17 | PT Pegadaian (Persero) | Financial Services | The Most Innovative Company for The Implementation of Sophisticated Digital Technology Systems |
18 | PT MNC Sekuritas | Securities Company | The Most Innovative Company for The Establishment of Customers-Oriented Digital Products |
19 | PT XL Axiata Tbk. | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | The Most Innovative Company for The Establishment of Advanced Digital Technology Systems |
20 | PT Telekomunikasi Selular | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | The Most Innovative Company for The Systematic Prominent Digital Services |
21 | PT Pertamina (Persero) | Mining | The Most Innovative Company for The Advanced Development of Integrated Digital Services |
22 | PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali | Regional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Digital Investment in Financing Systems Toward New Bali Era |
23 | PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. | Regional Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Agile Digital Platform Systems |
24 | PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Persero) | General Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Governance and Management Integrated Digital Systems |
25 | PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia | General Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Digital Claim Services Platform |
26 | PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Insurance Policy Systems |
27 | PT Bhinneka Life Indonesia | Life Insurance | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Secure and Convenient Digital Platforms |
28 | PT Bussan Auto Finance | Financial Services | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Digital Financing Products and Services |
29 | PT Home Credit Indonesia | Financial Services | The Most Innovative Company for The Establishment of Flexible Digital Financing Features |
30 | PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) | Financial Services | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Technology Development of Commodity Systems (Warehouse Receipt Registration Center) |
31 | PT Indo Premier Sekuritas | Securities Company | The Most Innovative Company for The Comprehensive and Sophisticated Digital Investment Platforms |
32 | PT Mandiri Sekuritas | Securities Company | The Most Innovative Company for The Integrated Digital Trading Services Systems |
33 | PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. | Construction | The Most Innovative Company for The Comprehensive and Integrated Data-Driven Technology Systems |
34 | PT PP (Persero) Tbk. | Construction | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Implementation of Digital Construction Technology Systems |
35 | PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. | Retail | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Development of Digital Business Operation Systems |
No | Perusahaan | Category | Title |
36 | PT Indosat Tbk. | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | The Most Innovative Company for The Automatization Technology Services Systems |
37 | PT Supra Primatama Nusantara (Biznet) | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital and Technology Services Expansion |
38 | PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | The Most Famous Fixed Broadband with the Widest Coverage and the Best Customer Service in Indonesia |
39 | PT Qlue Performa Indonesia (Qlue) | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Technology Infrastructure Systems |
40 | PT Sigma Cipta Caraka (Telkomsigma) | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | The Most Innovative Company for The International Standard Cloud Technology Systems |
41 | PT Petrosea Tbk. | Mining | The Most Innovative Company for The Utilisation of Data-Driven Technology Systems |
42 | PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) | Energy, Oil, and Gas | The Most Innovative Company for The Establishment of Comprehensive Digital Management Systems |
43 | PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. | Agribusiness | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Data-Driven Tracking Systems |
44 | PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) | Others (Transportation and Logistics) | The Most Innovative Company for The Efficient Digital Management Systems |
45 | PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) | Others (Transportation and Logistics) | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Container and Warehousing Digital Systems |
46 | PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) | Others (Social Insurance) | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Digital Verification Services Systems |
47 | PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. | Sharia Bank | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Application Services Platforms |
48 | PT Mandiri Tunas Finance | Financial Services | The Most Innovative Company for The Implementation of Digital Operating Management Systems |
49 | PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk. | Financial Services | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Installment Payment Systems |
50 | PT CIMB Niaga Auto Finance | Financial Services | The Most Innovative Company for The Customers-Oriented Digital Services Platforms |
51 | PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas | Securities Company | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Digital Sharia Trading Systems |
52 | PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) | Construction | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Business Process Systems |
53 | PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. | Retail | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Customers-Oriented Digital Application Platforms |
54 | PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. | Energy, Oil, and Gas | The Most Innovative Company for The Efficient and Integrated Digital Operational Systems |
55 | PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV | Agribusiness | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Integrated Digital Human Capital Systems |
56 | PT Perkebunan Nusantara III | Agribusiness | The Most Innovative Company for The Establishment of Digital Integrated Plantation Systems |
57 | PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) | Others (Transportation and Logistics) | The Most Innovative Company for The Establishment of Comprehensive Digital Courier Services Platforms |
58 | PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) | Others (Transportation and Logistics) | The Most Innovative Company for The Implementation of Cloud Technology Systems |
59 | PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) | Others (Transportation and Logistics) | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Payment Features Collaboration |
60 | PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) | Others (Transportation and Logistics) | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Airport Infrastructures Digital Systems |
61 | Perum Damri | Others (Transportation and Logistics) | The Most Innovative Company for The Comprehensive and Integrated Fleet Management Digital Systems |
62 | PT Blue Bird Tbk. | Others (Transportation and Logistics) | The Most Innovative Company for The Development of Digital Application Features |
63 | PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) | Others (Processing Industry) | The Most Innovative Company for The Marvelous Development of Digital Fertilization Systems |
64 | PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) | Others (Processing Industry) | The Most Innovative Company for The Integrated and Transparent Digital Services Platforms |
65 | PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. | Others (Processing Industry) | The Most Innovative Company for The Sophisticated Home Renovation Digital Platforms |
66 | PT Taspen (Persero) | Others (Social Insurance) | The Most Innovative Company for The Establishment of Digital Pension Fund Authentication Systems |
67 | PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. | Others (Consumer Goods) | The Most Innovative Company for The Comprehensive Digital MSMEs Platforms |
68 | PT Kino Indonesia Tbk. | Others (Consumer Goods) | The Most Innovative Company for The Data-Driven Digital Operating Systems |
69 | PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk. | Others (Consumer Goods) | The Most Innovative Company for The Implementation of Digital Management Systems |
70 | PT Jasamarga Related Business | Others (Non-Toll Road Company) | The Most Innovative Company for The Collaboration of Digital Services in Rest Area |
71 | PT Global Digital Niaga (Blibli) | Others (Startup) | The Most Innovative Company for The Establishment of Digital Procurement Ecosystems |
72 | PT Tani Hub Indonesia (TaniHub) | Others (Startup) | The Most Innovative Company for The Prominent Establishment of Digital Agriculture Platforms |
73 | PT Sinarmas Land | Others (Property) | The Most Innovative Company for The Prominent Digital Housing Ecosystems |
74 | Terminal Petikemas Koja (TPK Koja) | Others (Container Services) | The Most Innovative Company for The Digital Implementation of Freight Container Services Systems |
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Editor: Puri Mei Setyaningrum
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