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Indonesian Artists to be Featured in Major Australian Contemporary Art Exhibition

Indonesian Artists to be Featured in Major Australian Contemporary Art Exhibition Kredit Foto: Reuters/David Gray
Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta -

Four talented Indonesian contemporary artists will participate in the 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, to open in Brisbane, Australia, later this month.

Works by Aditya Novali, Elia Nurvista, Handiwirman Saputra and Zico Albaiquni will feature alongside more than 80 artists from across the region at the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art from 24 November 2018 to 28 April 2019.

“Australians and Indonesians share a love of art, creativity, and contemporary culture,” Australia’s Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia, Allaster Cox, said.

“The series is one of the more significant celebrations of art from our region and attracts audiences from around the world,” he added.

The triennial will showcase significant installations, paintings, sculptures, photographs and videos by artists from more than 30 countries.

The four Indonesian participants join more than 50 of Indonesia’s most esteemed contemporary artists who have participated since the APT series launched in 1993.

“I’m very happy to have my paintings exhibited in Brisbane,” artist Zico Albaiquni said.

“My father, Tisna Sanjaya, had his artwork featured in the 3rd Asia Pacific Triennial in 1999, which has been a source of inspiration for me,” he added.

Throughout the six months of the exhibition, there will be a cinema program and academic symposium, tours, talks and workshops, as well as creative, hands-on experiences for children and special events for all ages.

Australia and Indonesia have a long-standing relationship in the arts with a broad range of exhibitions, exchanges, collaborations, residencies and grants bringing the two countries’ creatives closer.

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Penulis: Hafit Yudi Suprobo
Editor: Hafit Yudi Suprobo

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