Apresiasi Brand Lokal Fashion, HerStory Gelar Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021
Sudah satu tahun pandemi Covid-19 melanda Indonesia dan dunia. Hal ini sangat berdampak pada perkembangan ekonomi di berbagai sektor industri, salah satunya industri fashion Indonesia.
Bedasarkan laporan The State of Fashion 2021 oleh The Business of Fashion dan McKinsey, sebanyak 45% responden yang merupakan fashion executive mengatakan bahwa pandemi Covid-19 dan krisis ekonomi sebagai tantangan terbesar bagi industri fashion di tahun 2021.
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"Seperti yang kita ketahui, fashion executive di seluruh dunia bahwa krisis ekonomi dan pandemi Covid-19 adalah tantangan terbesar di tahun 2021. Hal itu juga disepakati oleh para pelaku fashion lokal di seluruh Indonesia," ujar Clara Aprilia Sukandar sebagai Pimpinan Redaksi HerStory dalam pembukaan acara penghargaan HerStory Indonesia Best Local brand Fashion Awards 2021 yang diselenggarakan secara virtual oleh HerStory, member of Warta Ekonomi Group, Selasa (30/03/2021).
Adanya digitalisasi mampu membuat industri fashion bangkit dalam krisis ekonomi di masa pandemi Covid-19. Digitalisasi memberikan optimisme baru di mana 71% fashion executive berharap bisnis fashion mereka akan tumbuh 20% atau lebih di tahun 2021 dengan adanya digitalisasi.
Clara juga mengatakan bahwa adanya digitalisasi bermanfaat dalam kemajuan bisnis, melakukan branding, dan menciptakan reputasi brand yang baik di mata masyrakat. Oleh karena itu, disebutkan bahwa digitalisasi adalah kunci atau peluang terbesar bagi industri fashion untuk bangkit kembali.
Menurut laporan Fashion’s Big Reset 2020 oleh Boston Consulting Group, perusahaan fashion dapat meningkatkan 30%-55% penjualan total melalui digital commerce. Hal ini karena pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah consumers behavoir dalam berbelanja. Tak hanya itu, kemajuan industri fashion pada tahun 2021 juga dipengaharuhi dukungan dari pemerintah. Salah satu dukungan pemerintah dalam mendukung pemulihan ekonomi di industri fashion adalah dengan melakukan vaksinasi.
Cahyo Prayogo sebagai Direktur Pemberitaan dan Konten HerStory.co.id juga mengatakan bahwa sinergi antara pemerintah dan pelaku usaha adalah kunci kesuksesan industri fashion di Indonesia untuk bangkit. Di samping itu, adanya vakinasi membuat industri fashion optimis untuk bangkit kembali. Oleh karena itu, kita perlu tetap disiplin dan konsisten dalam menjalani protokol kesehatan.
Selain itu, usaha pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kembali industri fashion dengan cara menggelar fashion festival. Melalui BUMN dan Bank BRI, pemerintah akan menggelar Nusantara Fashion Festival, yaitu pameran fashion terbesar di Indonesia.
Kebangkitan kembali industri fashion Indonesia juga dipengaruhi oleh sikap para pelaku fashion. Memiliki semangat yang tinggi, mental yang baik, dan keinginan untuk berkolaborasi dapat meningkatkan kembali kemajuan industri fashion di Indonesia.
"Harus tetap semangat dan fleksibel itu adalah kunci dari kita bisnis fashion di masa pandemi dan setelah pandemi. Kita harus bisa berkolaborasi dan terbuka. Mempunyai mindset yang terbuka baik sesama industri fashion antau antar industri, misalnya bekerja sama dengan industri pariwisata atau makanan," ujar Ali Charisma sebagai National Chairman HFC.
Oleh karena itu, HerStory dan Warta Ekonomi ingin memberikan penghargaan sebesar-besarnya kepada brand dan perusahaan fashion yang memiliki reputasi, publikasi, dan advertising yang menarik melalui HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021: Be Brave, Be Confident, Be Yourself.
Tema dipilih karena HerStory dan Warta Ekonomi berharap fashion lokal dan brand fashion lokal tetap berinovasi, percaya diri, dan bangga terhadap keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh setiap masing-masing brand.
Dalam kajiannya, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi dan Redaksi HerStory melakukan penilaian dengan metode penelitian melalui survei. Survei tersebut dilakukan pada 9 Maret–14 Maret 2021 terhadap responden wanita yang bermukin di Jabodetabek. Adapun yang menjadi indikator penilaian adalah reputasi perusahaan, publikasi, dan advertising.
Daftar Pemenang Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021: Be Brave, Be Confident, Be Yourself!
No | Brand Name | Category | Subcategory | Title |
1 | 13th Shoes | Footwear | Sandals | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Sandals Brand Products, Sub-Category Sandals |
2 | 3Second | Footwear | Sandals | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Sandals |
3 | Adorable Projects | Accesories | Hat | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Hat Brand Products, Sub-Category Hat |
4 | Adorable Projects | Tops | Set | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Interesting and Fascinating Brand Product Concept, Sub-Category Set |
5 | Adorable Projects | Bags | Tote Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Tote Bag |
6 | Adorable Projects | Accesories | Mask | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Mask |
7 | AVA Prologue | Tops | Set | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Set |
8 | AVA Prologue | Special | Muslim Outfits | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Muslim Outfits |
9 | Bad Influence by Awkarin | Accesories | Mask | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Mask |
10 | Beatrice Clothing | Bottoms | Shorts | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Shorts Brand Products, Sub-Category Shorts |
11 | Beatrice Clothing | Special | Daily Work Outfits | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Daily Work Outfits Brand Products, Sub-Category Daily Work Outfits |
12 | Cloth Inc. | Bottoms | Skirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Skirt Brand Products, Sub-Category Skirt |
13 | Cottonink | Tops | Shirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Shirt Brand Products, Sub-Category Shirt |
14 | Cottonink | Tops | Blouse | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Blouse Brand Products, Sub-Category Blouse |
15 | Cottonink | Tops | Dress | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Dress Brand Products, Sub-Category Dress |
16 | Cottonink | Accessories | Necklace | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Necklace Brand Products, Sub-Category Necklace |
17 | Dhievine Batik | Tops | Kebaya | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Kebaya Brand Products, Sub-Category Kebaya |
18 | Dian Pelangi Fashion | Tops | Dress | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Dress |
19 | Dian Pelangi Fashion | Special | Muslim Outfits | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Legendary Brand Product, Sub-Category Muslim Outfits |
20 | Doris Dorothea | Bags | Backpack | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Backpack |
21 | Doris Dorothea | Bags | Hand Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Hand Bag |
22 | Elzatta Hijab | Tops | Hijab | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Stylish and Modern Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Hijab |
23 | Femmebravile | Bags | Sling Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Sling Bag Brand Products, Sub-Category Sling Bag |
24 | Flashy | Bags | Backpack | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Backpack Brand Products, Sub-Category Backpack |
25 | Gonegani | Tops | Set | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Set Brand Products, Sub-Category Set |
26 | Jenahara | Tops | Shirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular and Modern Brand Product, Sub-Category Shirt |
27 | Jenahara | Tops | Blouse | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Outstanding Advertising Brand Product, Sub-Category Blouse |
28 | Kaynn | Accessories | Mask | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Mask Brand Products, Sub-Category Mask |
29 | KIA by Zaskia Sungkar | Tops | Blouse | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Blouse |
30 | Kivee | Tops | Shirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Stylish and Trendy Brand Product Concept, Sub-Category Shirt |
No | Brand Name | Category | Subcategory | Title |
31 | Kivee | Tops | Tank Top | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Stylish and Modern Brand Product, Sub-Category Tank Top |
32 | Luna Habit | Tops | Blouse | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Blouse |
33 | Major Minor | Tops | Blazer | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Trendy Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Blazer |
34 | Major Minor | Bottoms | Pants | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Stylish and Modern Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Pants |
35 | Merche | Bags | Waist Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Waist Bag Brand Products, Sub-Category Waist Bag |
36 | Minimal | Tops | Set | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative and Stylish Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Set |
37 | MKS Shoes | Footwear | Wedges | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Wedges Brand Products, Sub-Category Wedges |
38 | Niion | Bags | Tote Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Multifunctional and Trendy Brand Product, Sub-Category Tote Bag |
39 | Niion | Bags | Waist Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Waist Bag |
40 | Niluh Djelantik | Footwear | Flat Shoes | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Legendary Brand Product, Sub-Category Flat Shoes |
41 | Niluh Djelantik | Footwear | Wedges | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Wedges |
42 | Niluh Djelantik | Footwear | High Heels | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category High Heels |
43 | Popoluca The Label | Tops | Tank Top | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Tank Top Brand Products, Sub-Category Tank Top |
44 | Popoluca The Label | Tops | Shirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Shirt |
45 | POVILO | Bags | Tote Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Tote Bag Brand Products, Sub-Category Tote Bag |
46 | POVILO | Bags | Hand Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Hand Bag Brand Products, Sub-Category Hand Bag |
47 | POVILO | Bags | Sling Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Sling Bag |
48 | Purotti | Bags | Hand Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Multifunctional and Trendy Brand Product, Sub-Category Hand Bag |
49 | Pvra | Footwear | Flat Shoes | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Flat Shoes Brand Products, Sub-Category Flat Shoes |
50 | Pvra | Footwear | Sandals | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Sandals |
51 | Rabbani | Tops | Hijab | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Affordable Brand Product, Sub-Category Hijab |
52 | RiaMiranda | Accessories | Scarf | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Scarf Brand Products, Sub-Category Scarf |
53 | Rubylicious | Bottoms | Pants | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Pants Brand Products, Sub-Category Pants |
54 | Sejauh Mata Memandang | Tops | Kebaya | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Kebaya |
55 | Sejauh Mata Memandang | Accessories | Scarf | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Scarf |
56 | Shopataleen | Tops Category | Dress | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category Dress |
57 | Shop At Velvet | Tops | T-Shirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for T-Shirt Brand Products, Sub-Category T-Shirt |
58 | Thanksinsomnia | Tops Category | T-Shirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category T-Shirt |
59 | The Executive | Tops Category | T-Shirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Creative Brand Product Design, Sub-Category T-Shirt |
60 | THE GOODS DEPT | Tops | T-Shirt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Interesting Design and Concept, Sub-Category T-Shirt |
61 | THE GOODS DEPT | Bags | Tote Bag | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Tote Bag |
62 | This Is April | Tops | Blazer | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Blazer Brand Products, Sub-Category Blazer |
63 | This Is April | Accessories | Earrings | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Earrings Brand Products, Sub-Category Earrings |
64 | This Is April | Accessories | Belt | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Belt Brand Products, Sub-Category Belt |
65 | Vanila Hijab | Tops | Hijab | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Hijab Brand Products, Sub-Category Hijab |
66 | Vanila Hijab | Special | Muslim Outfits | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Muslim Outfits Brand Products, Sub-Category Muslim Outfits |
67 | Zoya | Tops | Hijab | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Hijab |
68 | AUM Apparel | Special | Sportswear | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Sportswear Brand Products, Sub-Category Sportswear |
69 | Chiel Shoes | Footwear | Sneakers | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for Sneakers Brand Products, Sub-Category Sneakers |
70 | Esme? | Footwear | High Heels | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Elegant Brand Product Concept, Sub-Category High Heels |
71 | Exsport | Bags | Backpack | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Legendary Brand Product, Sub-Category Backpack |
72 | Soul Activ | Special | Spotswear | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 for Its Popular Brand Product, Sub-Category Sportswear |
73 | WATT (Walk The Talk) | Footwear | High Heels | HerStory Indonesia Best Local Brand Fashion Awards 2021 as The Women Choices for High Heels Brand Products, Sub-Category High Heels |
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Editor: Puri Mei Setyaningrum
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