Generasi milenal mendapat perhatian penting di era teknologi saat ini. Sikap, perilaku, dan gaya hidup mereka berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya. Generasi milenial menjadi target market yang menarik bagi dunia usaha karena populasinya yang besar dan akan tetap tumbuh sampai 2020. Perusahaan yang mampu mengenal apa, siapa, dan bagaimana perilaku dan kebiasaan generasi milenial akan mampu mendapatkan keuntungan bisnis di masa mendatang.
Tahun ini, pertumbuhan pengunaan internet di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Hasil survei Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) menyatakan, total pengguna internet mencapai 143,3 juta jiwa atau 54% dari populasi penduduk Indonesia (APJII, 2019). Pengguna internet terbanyak pada kelompok usia 19-34 tahun sebesar 49,5%. Hal ini menunjukkan generasi milenial menjadi pengguna internet terbesar di Indonesia saat ini.
Memenangkan persaingan di dunia maya menjadi sangat penting untuk mendapatkan perhatian para milenial Indonesia. Beragam produk yang dipromosikan melalui media online berpotensi untuk memudahkan milenial mengenali produk tertentu yang berujung pada pembelian produk.
Oleh karena itu, Warta Ekonomi memberikan apresiasi kepada perusahaan-perusahaan yang berhasil membuat produknya menjadi pilihan milenial Indonesia, melalui Millenial’s Top Brand Award 2019.
Kegiatan riset dilakukan melalui metode kuantitatif menggunakan survei online melalui aplikasi mobile dengan jumlah kumulatif responden sebanyak 15.000. Kriteria responden adalah usia 18-35 tahun, merupakan konsumen barang dan jasa di setiap subkategori produk yang diuji, pendidikan minimal SMA, SES A-C. Survei ini dilakukan pada pengguna media sosial di seluruh wilayah indonesia pada Oktober-Desember 2018.
Proses penentuan merek-merek dalam Millenial’s Top Brand Award 2019 dilakukan berdasarkan siklus pengambilan keputusan pembelian, yaitu awareness produk, pembelian produk/jasa, loyalitas konsumen, dan rekomendasi produk.
Merek-merek pilihan milenial merupakan akumulasi dari proses pengenalan merek (brand awareness). Merekdengan awareness tinggi berpeluang yang besar untuk dibeli konsumen (brand used most often) dan memiliki tingkat loyalitas dan rekomendasi yang tinggi (net promoter score). Merek dengan nilai indeks tertinggi terpilih menjadi Milenial Top Brand 2019.
Produk-produk pilihan milenial tahun ini dikelompokkan dalam produk dan jasa: produk makanan dan minuman, fesyen, hiburan, restoran, otomotif, penerbangan, aktivitas online, dan jasa keuangan.
"Dari hasil penelitian oleh Tim Strategi Warta Ekonomi menghasilkan 104 merek produk dan jasa perusahaan di Indonesia yang menjadi pilihan responden milenial," kata Direktur Strategi, Mochamad Arief.
Setiap kategori produk dan jasa terpilih memiliki nilai indeks akhir tertinggi dibandingkan merek lain. Berikut nama-nama merek terpilih dalam Millennials Top Brand 2019.
No | Merek | Nama Perusahaan | Kategari | Title |
1 | Garuda Indonesia | PT Garuda Indonesia | Airlines | 1st Millennial's Choice in Airlines Category |
2 | Citilink | PT Citilink Indonesia | Airlines | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Airlines Category |
3 | Batik Air | Lion Air Group | Airlines | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Airlines Category |
4 | Honda PCX | PT Astra Honda Motor | Automatic Motorcycle | 1st Millennial's Choice in Automatic Motorcycle Category |
5 | Yamaha NMAX | PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia Automatic Motorcycle | Automatic Motorcycle | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Automatic Motorcycle Category |
6 | Vespa Primavera | PT Piaggio Indonesia | Automatic Motorcycle | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Automatic Motorcycle Category |
7 | BCA | PT Bank Central Asia Tbk | Bank | 1st Millennial's Choice in Bank Category |
8 | Bank Mandiri | PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk | Bank | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Bank Category |
9 | BRI | PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Bank | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Bank Category |
10 | Regal Marie | PT Marie Regal | Biscuit | 1st Millennial's Choice in Biscuit Category |
11 | Nissin | PT Nissin Biscuit Indonesia | Biscuit | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Biscuit Category |
12 | Astor | PT Mayora Indah Tbk | Biscuit | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Biscuit Category |
13 | Starbucks | PT MAP Boga Adiperkasa Tbk | Café | 1st Millennial's Choice in Cafe Category |
14 | J. Co Donuts & Coffee | PT J.CO Donuts & Coffee | Café | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Cafe Category |
15 | The Coffe Bean & Tea Leaf | PT Trans Coffee | Café | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Cafe Category |
16 | Asuransi Garda Oto | PT Asuransi Astra Buana Car | Insurance | 1st Millennial's Choice in Car Insurance Category |
17 | Asuransi Adira | PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika | Car Insurance | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Car Insurance Category |
18 | Asuransi Mobil Sinar Mas | PT Asuransi Sinar Mas | Car Insurance | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Car Insurance Category |
19 | Go-Pay | PT Dompet Karya Anak Bangsa | Cashless Payment | 1st Millennial's Choice in Cashless Payment Category |
20 | Ovo | PT Visionet Internasional | Cashless Payment | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Cashless Payment Category |
21 | Doku | PT Nusa Satu Inti Artha | Cashless Payment | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Cashless Payment Category |
22 | JNE | PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir | Courier Services | 1st Millennial's Choice in Courier Services Category |
23 | Tiki | PT Citra Van Titipan Kilat | Courier Services | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Courier Services Category |
24 | J&T Express | PT Global Jet Express | Courier Services | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Courier Services Category |
25 | KFC | PT Fastfood Indonesia Tbk | Fastfood Restaurant | 1st Millennial's Choice in Fastfood Restaurant Category |
26 | McD | PT Rekso Nasional Food | Fastfood Restaurant | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Fastfood Restaurant Category |
27 | A&W | PT Biru Fast Food Nusantara | Fastfood Restaurant | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Fastfood Restaurant Category |
28 | Prudential | PT Prudential Indonesia | Health Insurance | 1st Millennial's Choice in Health Insurance Category |
29 | Allianz | PT Allianz Life Insurance | Health Insurance | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Health Insurance Category |
30 | BPJS Kesehatan | BPJS Kesehatan | Health Insurance | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Health Insurance Category |
31 | KPR BTN | PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk | Home Ownership Loans | 1st Millennial's Choice in Home Ownership Loans Category |
32 | KPR BCA | PT Bank Central Asia Tbk | Home Ownership Loans | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Home Ownership Loans Category |
33 | Mandiri KPR | PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk | Home Ownership Loans | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Home Ownership Loans Category |
34 | Traveloka | PT Traveloka Indonesia | Hotel and Flights Booking | 1st Millennial's Choice in Hotel and Flights Booking Category |
35 | PegiPegi | PT Go Online Destinations | Hotel and Flights Booking | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Hotel and Flights Booking Category |
36 | Agoda | PT Agoda International Indonesia | Hotel and Flights Booking | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Hotel and Flights Booking Category |
37 | Indomie | PT Indofood Sukses Makmur | Instant Noodle | 1st Millennial's Choice in Instant Noodle Category |
38 | Mie Sedaap | PT Sayap Mas Utama | Instant Noodle | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Instant Noodle Category |
39 | Supermi | PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur | Instant Noodle | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Instant Noodle Category |
40 | IndiHome | PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia | Internet Provider & TV Cable | 1st Millennial's Choice in Internet Provider & TV Cable Category |
41 | Biznet Home | PT Supra Primatama Nusantara | Internet Provider & TV Cable | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Internet Provider & TV Cable Category |
42 | First Media | PT First Media Tbk | Internet Provider & TV Cable | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Internet Provider & TV Cable Category |
43 | Hoka Hoka Bento (HokBen) | PT Eka Boga Inti | Japanese Restaurant | 1st Millennial's Choice in Japanese Restourant Category |
44 | Sushi Tei | PT Sushi Tei Indonesia | Japanese Restaurant | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Japanese Restourant Category |
45 | Yoshinoya | PT Multirasa Nusantara | Japanese Restaurant | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Japanese Restourant Category |
46 | Asus | PT Dragon Computer & Communication | Laptop/Notebook | 1st Millennial's Choice in Laptop/Notebook Category |
47 | MacBook | PT Apple Indonesia | Laptop/Notebook | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Laptop/Notebook Category |
48 | Lenovo | PT Lenovo Indonesia | Laptop/Notebook | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Laptop/Notebook Category |
49 | Toyota Calya | PT Toyota Astra Motor | LGCC Car | 1st Millennial's Choice in LGCC Car Category |
50 | Daihatsu Sigra | PT Astra Daihatsu Motor | LGCC Car | 2nd Millennial's Choice in LGCC Car Category |
51 | Toyota Agya | PT Toyota Astra Motor | LGCC Car | 3rd Millennial's Choice in LGCC Car Category |
52 | Tokopedia | PT Tokopedia | Market Place | 1st Millennial's Choice in E-Commerce Category |
53 | Bukalapak | PT Bukalapak Indonesia | Market Place | 2nd Millennial's Choice in E-Commerce Category |
54 | Lazada | PT Lazada Indonesia | Market Place | 3rd Millennial's Choice in E-Commerce Category |
55 | Aqua | PT Aqua Golden Mississipi | Mineral Water | 1st Millennial's Choice in Mineral Water Category |
56 | Nestle Pure Life | PT Nestle Indonesia | Mineral Water | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Mineral Water Category |
57 | Le Minerale | PT Tirta Fresindo Jaya (Mayora Grup) | Mineral Water | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Mineral Water Category |
58 | Honda CBR250R | PT Astra Honda Motor | Motor Sport | 1st Millennial's Choice in Motor Sport Category |
59 | Kawasaki Ninja 250R | PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia | Motor Sport | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Motor Sport Category |
60 | Yamaha R25 | PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia | Motor Sport | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Motor Sport Category |
61 | 21 Cineplex | PT Nusantara Sejahtera Raya | Movie Theater Chain | 1st Millennial's Choice in Movie Theater Chain Category |
62 | CGV Cinemas | PT Graha Layar Prima Tbk | Movie Theater Chain | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Movie Theater Chain Category |
63 | Cinemaxx | PT Cinemaxx Global Pasifik | Movie Theater Chain | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Movie Theater Chain Category |
64 | JobsDB | PT Jobsdb Indonesia | Online Employment Services | 1st Millennial's Choice in Online Employment Services Category |
65 | Karir.com | PT Karir Komunika Pratama | Online Employment Services | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Online Employment Services Category |
66 | Jobstreet | PT Jobstreet Indonesia | Online Employment Services | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Online Employment Services Category |
67 | Go-Jek | PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa | Online Transportation | 1st Millennial's Choice in Online Transportation Category |
68 | Grab | PT Solusi Transportasi Indonesia | Online Transportation | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Online Transportation Category |
69 | Pizza Hut | PT Sarimelati Kencana Tbk | Pizza Retaurant | 1st Millennial's Choice in Pizza Restaurant Category |
70 | Papa Ron's Pizza | PT Eatertainment Indonesia | Pizza Retaurant | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Pizza Restaurant Category |
71 | Domino's Pizza | PT Mitra Adi Perkasa Tbk | Pizza Retaurant | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Pizza Restaurant Category |
72 | Samsung | PT Samsung Electronic Indonesia | Smartphone | 1st Millennial's Choice in Smartphone Category |
73 | iPhone | PT Apple Indonesia | Smartphone | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Smartphone Category |
74 | Oppo | PT Oppo Electronics Indonesia | Smartphone | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Smartphone Category |
75 | Coca-cola | PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia | Soft Drink | 1st Millennial's Choice in Soft Drink Category |
76 | Fanta | PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia | Soft Drink | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Soft Drink Category |
77 | Sprite | PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesi | Soft Drink | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Soft Drink Category |
78 | Nike | MAP Active (PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk) | Sports Shoes | 1st Millennial's Choice in Sports Shoes Category |
79 | Adidas | MAP Active (PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk) | Sports Shoes | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Sports Shoes Category |
80 | Skechers | MAP Active (PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk) | Sports Shoes | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Sports Shoes Category |
81 | Panasonic | PT Panasonic Gobel Indonesia | Television | 1st Millennial's Choice in Television Set Category |
82 | Samsung | PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia | Television | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Television Set Category |
83 | LG | PT LG Electronics Indonesia | Television | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Television Set Category |
84 | Tahapan BCA | BCA | Saving Account | 1st Millennial's Choice in Saving Account Category |
85 | Mandiri Tabungan | Bank Mandiri | Saving Account | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Saving Account Category |
86 | BNI Taplus | BNI | Saving Account | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Saving Account Category |
87 | Kartu Kredit BCA | BCA | Credit Card | 1st Millennial's Choice in Credit Card Category |
88 | Kartu Kredit Citibank | Bank Citibank | Credit Card | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Credit Card Category |
89 | Kartu Kredit BNI | BNI | Credit Card | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Credit Card Category |
90 | Mandiri e-Money | Bank Mandiri | E-Money | 1st Millennial's Choice in E-Money Category |
91 | Flazz BCA | BCA | E-Money | 2nd Millennial's Choice in E-Money Category |
92 | Brizzi | BRI | E-Money | 3rd Millennial's Choice in E-Money Category |
93 | Home Credit | PT Home Credit Indonesia | Electronic & Furniture Loans | 1st Millennial's Choice in Electronic & Furniture Loans Category |
94 | Adira Finance | Adira Finance | Electronic & Furniture Loans | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Electronic & Furniture Loans Category |
95 | AEON Credit Service | PT AEON Credit Service Indonesia | Electronic & Furniture Loans | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Electronic & Furniture Loans Category |
96 | BFI Finance | PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk | Vehicle Financing Product | 1st Millennial's Choice in Vehicle Financing Product Category |
97 | Adira Finance | PT Adira Dinamika Multifinance | Vehicle Financing Product | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Vehicle Financing Product Category |
98 | FIF | PT Federal International Finance | Vehicle Financing Product | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Vehicle Financing Product Category |
99 | Unit Link Prudential | PT Prudential Life Assurance | Unit Link | 1st Millennial's Choice in Unit Link Category |
100 | Unit Link Carlink | PT Asuransi Jiwa Central Asia Raya | Unit Link | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Unit Link Category |
101 | Unit Link Allianz | PT Allianz Life Indonesia | Unit Link | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Unit Link Category |
102 | Toyota Avanza | PT Toyota Astra Motor | Small MPV | 1st Millennial's Choice in Small MPV Category |
103 | Mitsubishi Xpander | PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia | Small MPV | 2nd Millennial's Choice in Small MPV Category |
104 | Honda Mobilio | PT Honda Prospect Motor | Small MPV | 3rd Millennial's Choice in Small MPV Category |
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Editor: Rosmayanti
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