STAL Acknowledged Internationally, HMI To Be Listed in Canada Stock Exchange

President Director of PT Hydrotech Metal Indonesia (HMI), Widodo Sucipto, in recent press conference said that the national technology innovation which they own, Step Temperature Acid Leach (STAL), is internationally acknowledged. According to Widodo, it is implied from HMI’s listing process in the Canada Stock Exchange.
“HMI is currently undergoing the process of listing in Canada, where one of the important steps of the process is the signing of LOI (Letter of Intent) with a Canadian company. We have gone through a long process and finally, the LOI has been signed last Monday (23/8). From this process, we can see that the processing technology innovation that we have (STAL) is seen as prospective in the eye of business,” Widodo said.
Based on the LOI, HMI will get the share ownership of the Canadian company, and will change the company’s name to Hydrotech Energy Metals (HEM). If everything goes well, Widodo said, HEM will be officially listed on the Canada Stock Exchange by the end of September 2021.
"As a technology company, we will use the listing proceeds for the development of STAL technology and its derivatives, as well as the development of other processing technology innovations," Widodo explained.
Baca Juga: Feasibility Study Completed, STAL Technology Ready for Commercial Scale
Furthermore, Widodo Sucipto also said that currently, HMI has received a lot of cooperation requests for the use of the STAL Technology from miners and nickel smelters. Widodo thought, that can also be seen as one of the indications that STAL is indeed considered as prospective by the public. Especially, he continued, there are a lot of mining business license (IUP, Izin Usaha Pertambangan) holders who came to TINDAC (Trinitan Industrial Development Assessment Centre), and also sent samples of their laterite nickel ore.
“One of the advantages of the STAL Technology is the use of a modular system, with the minimum output of around 1,800 tpa (ton per annual), and the low capital expenditure. This system clearly provides convenience for the small-scale IUP holders. If at a later time they want to increase their production capacity, they only have to add the line. Easy, right?” Widodo concluded.
For your information, STAL Technology is a HMI-owned hydrometallurgical nickel processing technology, which can process low grade nickel that has been deposited so far, and also environmental friendly and low cost. HMI is a business entity that is part of Trinitan Group. Founded in 2020, HMI is a company focused on research and development of mineral processing technology in Indonesia. (*)
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Penulis: Annisa Nurfitri
Editor: Annisa Nurfitri