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Feasibility Study Completed, STAL Technology Ready for Commercial Scale

Feasibility Study Completed, STAL Technology Ready for Commercial Scale Kredit Foto: Hydrotech Metal Indonesia
Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta -

PT Hydrotech Metal Indonesia (HMI) has successfully completed a feasibility study on the Step Temperature Acid Leach (STAL) hydrometallurgical technology, which was carried out together with the professional consultant from Japan. In the feasibility study report released recently, the STAL technology feasibility study stage was stated to have been carried out successfully. It can proceed to the next step of preparation for commercial scale.

STAL technology is hydrometallurgical nickel processing technology owned by HMI, capable of processing low-grade nickel that has been deposited so far, with environmentally friendly technology and low costs. Meanwhile, HMI is a subsidiary of PT Trinitan Metals and Minerals Tbk (TMM) established in 2020 and is part of the Trinitan Group.

Responding to the completion of the feasibility study for STAL technology, President Director of HMI, Widodo Sucipto expressed his gratitude and his thankful to all parties involved in the implementation of the feasibility study. According to Widodo, the completion of this feasibility study is also good news for Indonesia, since STAL technology is a national technological innovation and able to proceed to the next stage of preparation for a commercial scale.

Furthermore, Widodo said that Indonesia needs the presence of technological innovations such as STAL technology, which can process Indonesia's natural wealth, to produce products that have added value.

"In the future, HMI as a technology-driven company will continue to strive to conduct research and technology development, in order to provide added value to Indonesia's abundant natural wealth," Widodo said. 

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Penulis: Annisa Nurfitri
Editor: Annisa Nurfitri

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