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Is the Economic Hitman Playbook Being Played in Indonesia?

Oleh: Teguh Anantawikrama, Ketua Indonesian Tourism Investors Club/Wakil Ketua Umum Bidang Teknologi Transfer dan Digital KADIN

Is the Economic Hitman Playbook Being Played in Indonesia? Kredit Foto: Antara/M Risyal Hidayat
Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta -

The Indonesian capital market is entering a period of heightened uncertainty. Investor sentiment is cautious, foreign funds are holding back, and volatility seems to be increasing without any fundamental economic shock. The question that now lingers—particularly for those familiar with John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hitman—is whether we are witnessing a familiar script playing out in real-time.

John Perkins described how developing nations were quietly subdued not through military force, but through sophisticated manipulation of economic systems—by what he called “economic hitmen.” Their mission: to weaken sovereignty, control natural resources, and shift policy in favor of powerful global interests.

With Indonesia’s strategic position in ASEAN, its vast natural resources, and its growing clout in international forums such as BRICS, it’s not hard to imagine why external forces might want to recalibrate our trajectory.

The Signs Are Showing

Just last week, the Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) dropped by 1.55%, and foreign investors withdrew over Rp2.6 trillion from the stock market. This happened despite Indonesia’s stable macroeconomic fundamentals and inflation being under control.

Why would foreign investors exit a relatively strong market in an emerging economy that has shown resilience and growth?

Could this be a signal—not of weakness from within—but of pressure from without?

This pattern resembles the early stages of economic destabilization tactics: create doubt, encourage capital flight, and subtly delegitimize national leadership. These moves aren’t random—they’re strategic, and they often precede offers of “assistance,” advice on “structural reform,” or proposals for privatization.

Baca Juga: Memperkuat Stabilitas Ekonomi Indonesia dan Mendorong Daya Beli di Tengah Pelemahan Rupiah serta Turunnya IHSG

Sovereignty in the Crosshairs

History has taught us that when markets are weak and governments appear uncertain, vultures circle. Foreign consultants, donor institutions, and ratings agencies often come with their “solutions”—solutions that may serve more to secure access to critical resources than to uplift the local population.

Today, sectors such as digital infrastructure, food security, energy transition, and rare earth minerals are on the frontline of this battle. If we do not act with clear purpose, we risk ceding control over these vital pillars to external forces under the guise of development cooperation or financial stabilization.

A Call for Vigilance

Indonesia must remain vigilant. Market fluctuations should not become an excuse for surrendering our autonomy. Investors—domestic and international—must be assured that Indonesia is not just a market, but a partner with a clear and sovereign vision for its future.

The current shakiness in the capital market could be a warning shot—not of internal failure, but of external manipulation. We must not allow uncertainty to be weaponized against our national resilience.

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Editor: Amry Nur Hidayat

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