Apresiasi BUMN, Warta Ekonomi Gelar Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021! Ini Daftar Pemenangnya
Warta Ekonomi baru saja menggelar ajang penghargaan bergengsi Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 pada Rabu, 24 November 2021. Penghargaan ini diberikan kepada perusahaan BUMN serta anak usaha dan perusahaan yang terafiliasi dengan BUMN yang memiliki kinerja positif selama setahun terakhir.
Mengangkat tema Building Back Better, penghargaan ini memiliki visi untuk mendorong pembangunan ekosistem bisnis yang lebih baik pada industri BUMN melalui konversi berbagai peluang di segala situasi. Dengan demikian, BUMN dapat terus berkontribusi dalam memajukan roda perekonomian Indonesia.
Baca Juga: Tetap Moncer di Era Pandemi, Selamat! Berikut Pemenang Indonesia Best BPD Awards 2021
"Kami sangat optimis dengan kebangkitan BUMN ini. Penilaian kami ini berdasarkan laporan keuangan yang menunjukkan beberapa BUMN yang mencatat kenaikan laba luar biasa, kenaikan aset luar biasa, dan pendapatannya juga luar biasa. Di samping itu, juga ada yang mampu bertahan terhadap kondisi ekonomi yang sedang dihadapi saat ini," kata Muhamad Ihsan, CEO & Chief Editor Wartaekonomi.co.id dalam sambutannya di gelaran Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021, Rabu (24/11/2021).
Melalui ajang penghargaan Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021, Warta Ekonomi berharap dapat mendorong kemajuan BUMN melalui program dan inovasi yang dihadirkan oleh tiap-tiap perusahaannya.
"Warta Ekonomi berusaha terus memberikan perhatian yang besar dan melihat perkembangan dari BUMN, dan banyak kemajuan-kemajuan yang dilakukan BUMN pada 2021. Misalnya, BUMN berhasil mencetak laba bersih Rp26,3 triliun pada semester 1/2021. Nilai ini melonjak 356% atau 4 kali lipat dibanding laba bersih semester 1/2020 yang hanya Rp5,7 triliun. Angka tersebut juga tumbuh 98% atau hampir 2 kali lipat dari capaian sepanjang tahun 2020," ujar Fadel Muhammad, Founder & Presiden Komisaris Wartaekonomi.co.id.
Inisiatif ajang penghargaan Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 oleh Warta Ekonomi diapresiasi oleh Mantan Menteri BUMN periode 1998-1999 Tanri Abeng.
"Saya ingin menyampaikan apresiasi penghargaan yang tulus kepada Warta Ekonomi karena sudah demikian konsisten melakukan penelitian untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada BUMN yang sudah memberikan dedikasi dan sumbangsihnya, baik secara ekonomi maupun sosial, untuk bangsa kita. Saya juga menyampaikan selamat kepada rekan-rekan pemimpin BUMN yang mendapat award ini. You deserve it, you keep working and making sure to continue to develop the people who will develop the organization," ungkap Tanri Abeng.
Adapun para penerima penghargaan dalam ajak penghargaan Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 ini adalah sebagai berikut.
Kategori: Energy, Oil, and Gas Industry
PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) sebagai Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Developing Integrated Workshop Services.
Kategori: Telecommunication and Media Services Industry
PT Danareksa (Persero) sebagai Excellent Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Human Resource Talent Development;
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Strengthening the Digital Infrastructure of the Media Business Ecosystem;
PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (Persero) sebagai Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Pandemic Covid-19 Response Programs.
Kategori: Financial Services Industry
PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) sebagai Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Developing the MSME Capital Industry.
Kategori: Insurance and Pension Fund Service Industry
PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Company Expansion Through Business Cooperation;
PT Jasa Raharja sebagai Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Digital Payment Service Development;
PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia sebagai Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Developing Digital Platform Service and Insurance Business Retail.
Kategori: Food and Fertilizer Industry
PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Agricultural Productivity Improvement Program;
PT Berdikari (Persero) sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Developing a Livestock Industry Corporation Village.
Kategori: Manufacturing Industry
PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Expanding Corporate Business Segmentation;
PT Dahana (Persero) sebagai Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Corporate Business Expansion with Factory Construction.
Kategori: Health Industry
PT Indofarma Tbk sebagai Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Developing Medical Product Devices for Health Services and Covid-19 Prevention;
PT Kimia Farma Tbk sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Improving the Distribution of Health Products During a Pandemic.
Kategori: Plantation and Forestry Industry
Perum Perhutani sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Optimizing Forest Land Productivity to Increase Company Revenue.
Kategori: Tourism and Supporting Services Industry
Perum LPPNPI sebagai Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Improving Flight Safety and Efficiency in Airspace;
PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Integration of Digital Products and Services.
Kategori: Logistics Service Industry
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) sebagai Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Integrating Port Corporations to Increase Effectiveness and Efficiency.
Kategori: Mineral and Coal Industry
PT Timah Tbk sebagai Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Pandemic Covid-19 Response Programs.
Kategori: Infrastructure Services Industry
PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk sebagai Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 dan Developing Intelligent Transportation System.
Berikut adalah para pemenang Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021, Selamat!
No | Perusahaan | Category | Title 1 | Title 2 |
1 | PT Aneka Tambang Tbk | Mineral and Coal Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Corporate Ecosystem Synergy for Product Innovation Development |
2 | PT Bukit Asam Tbk | Mineral and Coal Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Collaborative Utilization of Waste Management Technology |
3 | PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) | Mineral and Coal Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Business Development with Increased Use of Technology |
4 | PT Timah Tbk | Mineral and Coal Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Pandemic Covid-19 Response Programs |
5 | PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Financial Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Digital Business Transformation Through Financial Technology |
6 | PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk | Financial Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Acceleration of Digital Banking for Business Ecosystem Development |
7 | PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Financial Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Corporate Business Segmentation Development |
8 | PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk | Financial Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Digital Product Transformation for Millennials |
9 | Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia | Financial Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Digital Security Technology Development |
10 | PT Pegadaian (Persero) | Financial Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Expanding the Marketing Agency Network and Product Sales |
11 | PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) | Financial Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing the MSME Capital Industry |
12 | PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) | Insurance and Pension Fund Service Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Company Expansion Through Business Cooperation |
13 | PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia | Insurance and Pension Fund Service Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Corporate Business Segmentation Development |
14 | PT Jasa Raharja | Insurance and Pension Fund Service Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Digital Payment Service Development |
15 | PT Taspen (Persero) | Insurance and Pension Fund Service Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Increasing Competitiveness and Transparency Through Funding Innovation Program |
16 | PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia | Insurance and Pension Fund Service Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Digital Platform Service and Insurance Business Retail |
17 | PT Jaminan Kredit Indonesia | Insurance and Pension Fund Service Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Increasing Business Excellence by Supporting The Grotwh of MSME |
18 | PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Strengthening the Digital Infrastructure of the Media Business Ecosystem |
19 | PT Indosat Tbk | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Network Expansion to All Regions |
20 | PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Strategic Cooperation to Build Telecommunication Infrastructure |
21 | PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Digital Integrated Technology Through Warehouse Receipt System |
22 | PT Danareksa (Persero) | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Human Resource Talent Development |
23 | PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero) | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Improving Integrated Waste Management |
24 | PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (Persero) | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Pandemic Covid-19 Response Programs |
25 | Perum Jasa Tirta II | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Improving Renewable Energy Business Development |
26 | PT Djakarta Lloyd (Persero) | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Company Business Expansion |
27 | Perum Lembaga Kantor Berita Nasional Antara | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Providing Excellence Source of Information During Pandemic |
28 | PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero) | Telecommunication and Media Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Inter-Corporate Collaboration in Asset Management |
29 | PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk | Infrastructure Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Comprehensive Infrastructure Industry Development |
30 | PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk | Infrastructure Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Pandemic Covid-19 Response Programs |
31 | PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk | Infrastructure Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Intelligent Transportation System |
32 | PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) | Infrastructure Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Tourism Industrial Estate Development |
33 | PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk | Infrastructure Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Business Expansion Through Dam Construction |
34 | PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Infrastructure Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Improving Product Competitive Advantage by Upgrading Construction Quality |
35 | PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk | Infrastructure Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Increasing Renewable Energy Business Exploration |
No | Perusahaan | Category | Title 1 | Title 2 |
36 | PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk | Infrastructure Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Efficiency of Raw Materials and Energy |
37 | PT Hutama Karya (Persero) | Infrastructure Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Develop Electricity Index Calculation Method |
38 | PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) | Tourism and Supporting Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Integration of Digital Products and Services |
39 | PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero) | Tourism and Supporting Services Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Pandemic Control Program in Special Economic Zones |
40 | PT Sarinah (Persero) | Tourism and Supporting Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Retail Industry Expansion to Global Market |
41 | PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) | Tourism and Supporting Services Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Digitizing Customer Services for Passenger Convenience |
42 | Perum LPPNPI | Tourism and Supporting Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Improving Flight Safety and Efficiency in Airspace |
43 | PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | Tourism and Supporting Services Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Pandemic Covid-19 Response Programs |
44 | PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) | Logistics Service Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Digitalization Technology for Operational and Service Excellence |
45 | PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) | Logistics Service Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Courier Digital Services |
46 | PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) | Logistics Service Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Integrating Port Corporations to Increase Effectiveness and Efficiency |
47 | PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) | Logistics Service Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Integration of Digital Products and Services |
48 | PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) | Logistics Service Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Pandemic Covid-19 Response Programs |
49 | PT Pelindo Marine Service | Logistics Service Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Improving Renewable Energy Business Development |
50 | PT Berdikari (Persero) | Food and Fertilizer Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing a Livestock Industry Corporation Village |
51 | PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) | Food and Fertilizer Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Agricultural Productivity Improvement Program |
52 | PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero) | Food and Fertilizer Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Improving Product Export Performance |
53 | PT Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) | Food and Fertilizer Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Improving Renewable Energy Business Development |
54 | Perum BULOG | Food and Fertilizer Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Building a Digital-Based Food Security Ecosystem |
55 | PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero) | Food and Fertilizer Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Agriculture and MSME Business |
56 | PT Kimia Farma Tbk | Health Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Improving the Distribution of Health Products During a Pandemic |
57 | PT Indofarma Tbk | Health Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Medical Product Devices for Health Services and Covid-19 Prevention |
58 | PT Biofarma (Persero) | Health Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Increasing Vaccine Distribution for Handling Covid-19 |
59 | PT Sucofindo (Persero) | Manufacturing Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Cyber Security Consulting Services |
60 | PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk | Manufacturing Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Expanding Corporate Business Segmentation |
61 | PT Surveyor Indonesia (Persero) | Manufacturing Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Infrastructure and Transportation Market Development Collaboration |
62 | PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) | Manufacturing Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Increasing Export Product Innovation |
63 | PT Pindad (Persero) | Manufacturing Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Agricultural Tools and Machinery Technology |
64 | PT Dahana (Persero) | Manufacturing Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Corporate Business Expansion with Factory Construction |
65 | PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) | Manufacturing Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Manufacturing Industry Technology and Certification |
66 | PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) | Energy, Oil and Gas Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Integration of Digital Products and Services |
67 | PT Pertamina (Persero) | Energy, Oil and Gas Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Digitalization and Technology Through Products and Services |
68 | PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk | Energy, Oil and Gas Industry | Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Development of Natural Gas Utilization for Household |
69 | PT Elnusa Petrofin | Energy, Oil and Gas Industry | Very Good Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Developing Integrated Workshop Services |
70 | Perum Perhutani | Plantation and Forestry Industry | Outstanding Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BUMN Awards 2021 | Optimizing Forest Land Productivity to Increase Company Revenue |
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Editor: Puri Mei Setyaningrum
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